Chapter 11 - Funeral (Flashback)

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(A/N: I'm so sorry, I'm literally a idiot, I forgot to publish this chapter. So I just formatted it as a flashback I hope you don't mind.)

Flashback: 2 Months ago (before school starts)

Maddie POV:
We were on the plane, well my fathers private jet, flying to Oregon for my moms funeral. I miss her so much, I haven't talked to anyone the entire flight. My brothers were giving me empathetic glances.

One pilot walked back into the cabin and told us "we will be landing in 20 minutes." I continued to stare out the window.

"You got that Mads?" Elias exclaimed. I just nodded.

We landed and got in the Rolls Royce my father rented. We drove to a five star hotel and checked in. My father rented the penthouse, I wasn't surprised honestly, I mean he had money. However I was surprised to see our guards here as well. We had our bags dropped off upstairs and I was going to follow before Kade asked me something "Hey Maddie? I know your probably tired but do you want to get some coffee at Starbucks?" I nodded, I could see his disappointment when I didn't answer him verbally, I just didn't want to talk right now.

We walked across the hotel to the Starbucks. When we got in line I saw the barista taking orders. It was my arch nemisis Jade Larsens. She was that one bitch in every high school that was popular and bullied anyone she deemed not popular. She also knew my secret, the secret I've been hiding from my family. I can only pray she doesn't say it.

She must not have noticed me because she started flirting with Kade. "What could I get for you?" She asked bitting her lip sexually. "Maybe a hot drink for a hot guy? Or are you more a cold drink bad boy type?"

Wow this girl has no shame. But of course Kade wasn't having any of it. "I'll have a plain black coffee with cream and sugar."

"Ahhh so you're the hot drink kinda guy, I like a guy that can keep it hot." I gagged, Kade looked equally disgusted. Jade still didn't notice me, why would she, she's already too far up Kades—-

"Mads what do you want?" Kade asked me interrupting my thoughts.

"I'll get a vanilla bean Frappuccino." I told her, she finally looked her attention to me.

"Well well well, isn't it Miss Maddison Smith." She told be sounding angry and sarcastic. "What are you doing back in town I thought I got rid of you." Kade looked angry at her statement.

"Same here" i retorted.

"And whose this? Your boyfriend? Oh wait your a—"

I frantically cut her off trying not to let my secret get out. "Brother....he's my brother."

She looked confused and was about to say someone before Kade stepped in. "Her very angry older brother, now are you going to take her order or are you going to stand there like a slut." He's exclaimed harshly. Jade was shocked. I was too, but thankful my secret didn't get out.

She wrote down my order; we waited until out drinks were ready and walked away.

"Who was that bitch?" Kade asked me once we were out of earshot.

"Nobody, some dumb bitch you used to pick on me."

"What was she saying about you? She said and whose this? Your boyfriend? Oh wait your a what did she mean by that.



"I told you it's nothing"

He eventually gave up trying to get it out of me. We went up to the hotel room, unpacked and went to bed.

The next morning was my moms funeral. I got dressed and wore a black dress and black sunglass. We all headed to the car, again I didn't say anything. I know I promised Elias to not shut myself off but I'm going to make this trip the exception. We got out of the car and headed to her grave. My dad got me flowers to lay over the stone.

Once I saw her name in the stone it hit me like a brick. She was actually gone. Dead. My mother was dead. I broke down. I started sobbing. My father came over to me and held me as well as my brothers.

A mess of "I'm sorry mom" "I miss you so much" "I should have been here" "mommy" escaped my sobbing mouth. I laid sobbing for about 30 minutes before it started to rain.

"I'm sorry princess but we have to go, your going to get hypothermia if you stay out in this rain." My father told me.

"No!" I screamed "I'm not leaving!"

I sobbed harder. "Come one sweetie" my father picked me up bridal style as I sobbed into his jacket as he carried me to the car.

"No!" I tried getting out of his grasp to run back but I couldn't.

"I'm sorry sweetie but your mom wouldn't have wanted you to freeze to death out here. My father whispered to me.

We got back in the car, we were all soaked. I was still crying, I sat next to Alex and Maddox on the way to the hotel. I was still sobbing into Maddox's jacket, until I fell asleep. 

End of flashback

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