Chapter 14

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Two Weeks Later
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Life was going on very well at the moment. Sandra was greatly adjusting to this lifestyle seeing as she had always loved fashion and glamor. She always followed up on this at every chance she got. So unlike me, she had an idea of how things were done on the upper side of "life".  It made things easier for me since I didn't have to spend too much energy showing her everything.

The only thing that was constantly giving her trouble was direction and that was very understandable. It had taken me close to a whole month to know my way well in this place. But luckily for Sandra, Nicole and Nicholas took a liking to her and they had been very patiently showing her different parts of the house.

She had gotten the room next to mine and she had also been presented with everything she might need. And that was another thing she was constantly in awe of.  The other thing that intrigued her to no end was the mansion. She was in constant wonder of its enormous size and its beauty. We would always take a tour around the gardens in the evening after our daily routine. Sandra was really happy all in all. She was glad to have had this chance and she didn't miss any opportunity to thank my parents.

Following Sandra's addition to the family, I had not seen much of Mason nor Gabriella.  I had been too busy helping my friend settle, they had not crossed my mind. Actually, I only thought of them then, because I saw them through my window taking selfies and they also seemed to be laughing.

I felt a tug on my heart but decided to let go. They were grown ups. They had the freedom to do whatever they wanted. But that was my view. Sandra had a different one.

"Hey gal, you're going to wear the outfit I choose for you and we're going to go out there and show him what he is missing. We will show show them who the real divas are!"

She said as much sass as she could muster. Yep crazy, told ya!

But no one ever disobeyed a determined Sandra.  She also had to go out of her way and choose the shortest short she could find!  Well she was comfortable wearing anything but that did not mean that I did too. She did not give me room to argue so I had no choice. I put it on paired with a crop top and some sneakers.

She took our phones and I carried my camera. Instead of arguing with her, I was going to make her take a nature walk with me. I loved taking nature pictures seeing as nature and I had a special connection.

When we got to the gardens near where Mason and Gabriella were, Sandra let out a really dramatic laugh. She was obviously looking for attention and she definitely did. Except it left me embarrassed on her behalf.

When I looked at them, Mason had a dazed look on his face and Gabby did not look too happy for the interruption.  She snapped her fingers in front of his face which brought him back from whatever reverie he had been in. And then he blushed!  He actually blushed and I couldn't believe my eyes. What made him blush?   I wondered to myself.

Sandra took her phone and made a very idiotic pose then took a selfie. This girl was something else.

"Hey Gabby, can I have a selfie with you?"

Gabriella who loved attention hesitated but then pulled Mason with her. Well here goes nothing...

Sandra took selfies with her then some with Mason. She actually went ahead and offered to take pictures of her and Mason together.

I was curious to find out what she was planning because knowing Sandra, she had something up her sleeve.    Gabriella was obviously stunned at how she was being treated by Sandra. They never really got along as expected since Sandra could never stomach anyone's nonsense. She was always quick with witty and sarcastic replies. She always spoke whatever came to her mind without any second thought.

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