28. Jawaad

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Dedicated to kandatuuu ! Thanks for going extra miles just so I update early. Love ya ❤️

"Some months back, I found out Manal had been seeing Farouq behind my back. I was surprised when I discovered she had his number, when I had not given it to her. You know Farouq and I have been having problems. I told you about it, right?"

I nodded and waited for her to continue her narration.

"He wanted us to get married immediately he finishes school, but I refused. I told him I didn't want to get married while I'm still in school." She heaved a sigh. "From that day, he began to give me attitude. I tried talking to him on several occasions, but he snubbed me. Instead of making efforts to make amends with me, I started noticing his closeness with Manal."

"He's an idiot." I remarked. I already knew where the story was headed. She didn't have to finish.

"He made me believe there was something going on between the two of them. I confronted Manal. She denied and instead of me to believe my best friend, I chose to believe that liar. I'm so angry at myself. I said all sort of mean things to her."

"When did you find out you were lied to?" I inquired.

"Earlier today. I was returning from the canteen, when he approached me. I didn't want to talk to him, but he kept on pestering me. I had no choice, but to allow him say what it was he wanted to tell me, so that I could leave. He apologized for all the things that had happened the past few weeks and told me not to blame Manal for anything, because she is innocent. At first, I thought he was trying to shamelessly defend her, due to their relationship, but he told me there was nothing going on between them. He said he didn't love her and that he never had. He made me believe he did, because it was his way of getting back at me for rejecting his proposal. He believed making me jealous would make me run back to him and accept to get married. Can you imagine?"

"I told you to stay away from that guy, didn't I? But you didn't listen. From the onset, I got bad vibes from him. What he did was bad. You shouldn't forgive him easily. Have you talked to your friend about this?"

Farida shook her head. "I haven't. I really want to, but I'm afraid of what her response would be. I'm sure she doesn't even want to see my face, after everything that had happened."

"Why don't you talk to her first, before jumping into conclusion? Who knows, she might be waiting for you to apologize, so that you both can reconcile."

Farida let out a humorless chuckle and shook her head. "Manal won't even listen to me. I know her well. She soldem gets angry at her friends easily, but when she does, she doesn't forgive easily. I embarrassed and insulted her in front of so many people. I feel so ashamed to even think about the things I had said to her."

"You should have known better. Didn't you tell me she's your best friend? What's friendship without trust?" I asked. For some reason, her action irritated me. It was annoying to think she allowed a man separate her from her supposed best friend. I was disappointed. Really disappointed at her.

"I know." She was quick to wipe the tears that had welled up in her eyes. "I should have trusted her, because I know the kind of a person she is. I feel terrible because I was the one that convinced her to come to this University. Her parents wanted her to study in the university of Abuja, but because of me, she went against her parents' wish and chose this university instead. We promised to always have each other's back, but I broke the promise we had. I feel horrible for treating her the way I did. I overreacted."

"There's absolutely no need crying over spilled milk now." I breathed. "You should apologize to her and see what happens next." I cleaned my neck to her friend's direction and caught a glimpse of her smiling at something her male partner whispered to her. "Who is he?" The look Farida gave me when the sentence left my mouth, had me wishing I could take it back. I should have repressed my curiosity.

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