Part 10 Taking Charge

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I threw my stuff into my car, pulled out of the hotel car park, and parked up across the street so I could still see the car park and hotel entrance, and I waited. I knew they'd be coming, I just didn't know who it would be. I didn't have to wait long to find out. Justin arrived first, driving a bright yellow Mercedes-AMG GT, a not very discreet sports car. He roared into the car park and jumped from the car, heading straight inside. Typical Justin, always rushing in without thinking, confident in his abilities. He was the more volatile twin back in the day, and it didn't look like much had changed. Sheldon arrived shortly after, driving a black Range Rover Sport. He got from the car on his phone and paced the car park as if he was waiting for someone else. He was, Luke arrived last in his Range Rover and he had Vinny with him. There they all were, The Stockards. Justin re-emerged from the hotel and joined the others. I could have driven my car over there and plowed them all down right now if I wanted. But that's not what I wanted. I wanted them all to feel the loss. Find their brother dead, feel the emotions of not being able to get here to save him. I wanted them to feel helpless. I watched while Justin passed on the news of what he'd obviously found to the others. Sheldon's hands went to his head. Luke looked agitated and angry, but Vinny hardly reacted at all. He'd just been told his son was dead and yet he hardly reacted. He was a cold-hearted bastard! They all followed Justin back inside the hotel. I had to move. I tucked one handgun in my belt and carried the other as I got from my car and ran across to the car park as fast as I could, keeping low and behind cars so as not to be seen. I'd kept the curtains in the room closed, so even if they were all in there now, they wouldn't see me. I just had to hope no one else did. I ran to Sheldon's car and tried the door. Just as I'd hoped, with all that was happening, he hadn't locked it. I now had to gamble Justin had done the same, I moved quickly to his sports car and again, not locked. I took out my phone and hid it under his seat. Wedged it in there tight enough that it wouldn't move around, and I closed the door again before moving back to Sheldon's car. I quickly climbed into the backseat, behind the driver's seat and I laid as low as I could. The next part was crucial. If I was spotted at any point now, it was probably going to turn into a free for all, or a shoot-out. I didn't want that. I wanted Sheldon on his own. I just had to wait, and hope. Hope that they were all distracted enough not to notice I was there. It took a while, but eventually, I heard voices as they returned to the car park. Luke was ranting and raving about how he was going to kill me in very unpleasant ways. Sheldon was talking about how they should have known. From the moment I walked out of the hospital, they should have known. Justin kept chipping in, nothing really constructive, mostly telling Sheldon to shut up and agreeing with Luke. Vinny hadn't said anything at that point. He was rattled, but eventually, he spoke. Luke was to take him home, Justin was to gather any C.C.T.V from the hotel before the police could get their hands on it because he wanted me. Sheldon was to meet with Detective Haig, tell him how to handle the situation. Just as I'd suspected. Haig was in Vinny's pocket. Sheldon opened the car door and got inside. I held my breath, afraid that he'd hear me back there or feel me moving. He closed the door and started the car. I had to wait, long enough for him to get far enough away from the others. I also needed to make sure Luke wasn't driving behind him and might see me back there. As he drove Sheldon made a call.

"Haig!" He said, "That fucker Jay-Jay as finally fuckin emerged!"


"You should have found that fucker!" He screamed, "And because you didn't, he got to Mickey!" He answered

"What do you mean he got to Mickey?" asked Haig

"He fucking killed him!" he Screamed, "At the motorway motel, get a team over there and handle it. Justin is gathering the C.C.T.V so there will be no evidence to find, you got that?"

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