Part 12 The Club

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I hoped that they would come looking at Redmond Tower for Justin and maybe even go to Mill Hill to look for Sheldon, That's why I'd told them where they were, keep them busy and possibly apart, and also let them have that moment when they see what I'd done. That awful, gut-wrenching moment when you feel the loss and despair. I moved from the building back down to the cars. I couldn't risk driving Sheldon's car now in case I was spotted or even pulled over by the police, and I definitely wasn't going to take Justin's car. That wouldn't be discreet at all. I collected my things from Sheldon's car, and my phone from Justin's car and decided to set fire to both before I left. I found papers in each glove box, balled them up on the front seat, and lit them. I waited around just for a minute, just to make sure each blaze took hold, and then I left. I waited until I was a safe distance away from the scene before calling a taxi to take me back to the hotel so I could pick up my car.

It was early afternoon by the time I collected my car, and I was hungry, three Stockards dead and it wasn't even tea time, but I needed to eat. I found a drive-through and bought myself a burger. or two. I parked up in a quiet side street and ate but I also had some other business to take care of. I wanted to write some things down. When all this was over, I wanted people to know why I'd done what I'd done. I didn't want to be painted like a monster. I wanted Mickey's family and Sheldon's wife to know why I'd taken them from them and I might not be around to tell the story so I was going to write it all down. I took a pen and paper and got to work on that. When that was finished, I put it in an envelope and posted it. Next on my list was a phone call. I wasn't sure what department I needed, so I just dialed 999.

"Emergency services, which service do you require?" Came the answer

"I need the police," I explained, "But it's not an emergency, I need to talk to someone about the murder of Natasha James."

"Please hold,"

I waited for a moment until I was finally put through to the department I needed.

"I need to talk to whoever is in charge of the Natasha James case" I explained, the line went quiet, "She was murdered two years ago in Cadmouth!"

"Just checking for you," said the operator

The line went quiet again.

"Hello, this is Detective Higgins," came the reply, "Who am I speaking with?"

"Detective Higgins?" I asked

"That's correct, and you are?"

"Where's your partner? Haig?"

"Haig?" he asked, confused

"Detective Haig," I explained, "Isn't he working that case?"

"Who is this?" He asked

"It's Jordan James!" I replied

"Mr. James," He enthused, "We've been looking for you"

"I bet you have," I replied, "Where's Haig? Aren't you working Natasha's case with him?"

"Detective Haig's interest with you had nothing to do with Natasha Mr. James," He explained

"What do you mean? You were with him when you came to the hospital the day I woke up!" I said

"I was there to investigate what happened to you and your wife Mr. James," He said, "Haig was there to investigate your connection to a missing person that had been found dead, he came from down south. I can't recall the person's name"

"Felicity Henry Stockard!" I said

"That's the one" He replied "He seemed to think you were connected to that case, wanted to ask you questions about that, but you'd seemingly lost your memory so he headed back down south"

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