Part 11 Hunting Grounds

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I took Sheldon's car and set off. I needed to stop the Stockards from circling the wagons. Once they found out I had got to Sheldon too, they would stay together, strength in numbers, pack mentality, make me take them all on at once. That's what I would do, so I had to get where I needed to be before they became aware of Sheldons demise. First I had to get the rest of my stuff from my car that was still parked back near the hotel. I waited until I got close and I pulled over. Using the phone I took from Mikey, I could now track my own phone that I'd stashed in Justin's car. I needed to see if he was still at the hotel before I went anywhere near there. He wasn't, but it was crawling with police. That wasn't a concern unless Haig was there and saw me, but for the next step of my plan to work, I would have to take that chance. I pulled up by my car and quickly gathered my stuff. My bag, the laptop, the shotgun, threw them into Sheldon's car and drove away. As I drove, Sheldon's phone began to ring. It was Justin. I didn't answer. I wanted him worried, Didn't want them knowing he was dead yet, but I needed him worried. I headed for the next location. The tower block where all those years ago my life changed, the place where I had taken a little girl's life. They were derelict now, Boarded up and waiting to be torn down, but that's where the next part of my plan would play out. They would be my hunting grounds.

By the time I arrived at the tower block Justin had called again, twice, and twice I'd ignored him. He'd be going out of his mind. There was a large wooden fence erected around the site to deny anybody access and a large wooden gate, chained and padlocked. This area was waiting to be knocked down and renovated, probably be turned into trendy apartments and coffee shops for hipsters, but for now, it stood empty and decrepit. I got from the car and moved to check the lock on the gate, it was sturdy. I looked around, the streets were deserted, so I used my gun to shoot the lock and gain access. I pulled off the chain and flung the gates open before moving Sheldon's car onto the site. I then took Sheldon's phone and sent a WhatsApp message to Justin.

"I know where Jay-Jay is! He's at the old Redmond Tower block. I'm there now!"

The ticks went blue and I could see Justin had read the message. The phone began to ring straight away. I smiled and again didn't answer. The trap was baited. I grabbed the shotgun from Sheldon's car and headed inside the block, again having to pull more boarding down as I did. I checked Mickey's phone, I could see Justin was on the move, hopefully heading here! I made my way up the rubbish-packed stairways until I reached a higher floor and made my way into one of the abandoned apartments where I could see down to where the entrance was and where I'd parked Sheldon's car. All I had to do now was wait, see who turned up first. I hoped it would be Justin, rushing in like he always did, but Luke or Vinny would do. Maybe even all of them, if that's the way it was going to play out then so be it. What I didn't want was Hiag or the police turning up, but from the conversation I'd heard at the hotel, I believed the Stockards wanted to deal with me themselves. I pulled out Sheldon's Phone and sent another message to Justin.

"Where are you! I've got him cornered here but I need you!"

I was sure that would make Justin hastier in his decision-making. I didn't have to wait long until Justin arrived. I heard the roar of his sports car approaching before I saw it, But it kicked up dust as it flew into the site and stopped next to Sheldon's car. He jumped out, phone pressed to his ear as he rang Sheldon's phone again. I allowed myself a smile and waited for it to stop ringing. I sent him another message.

"Shhhh!!! He doesn't know I'm here! 4th floor! quick!!!"

I watched as he read the message before he moved back to his car and produced a gun. He checked it and ran to the building and disappeared inside. I moved into a position where I could see down the corridor to the staircase that he would arrive from and I waited. I could hear his footsteps moving through the rubbish and dust on the staircases as he rushed to his brothers' aid. Didn't take long before I saw his head peep around the door. I ducked back into the room I was hiding in and messaged him again.

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