rockabye •twenty-three

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It was the day of the big dinner for the two rivaling families. Ariel had the royal dressmaker create new, expensive looking dresses for her daughters, granddaughter and herself and a new suit for her husband. Louise decided against attending to this dinner. Instead choosing to stay back and catch up on paperwork for the kingdom on behalf of her wife. What a loving pair they make.

Everyone else got ready in their own rooms. Ariel stood in front of her mirror and added her finishing touches.

Athena, all dressed in her new dress and one of her many tiara on her head, ran into the room to show her grandmother. Ariel saw her through the mirror and turns around

"Oh how beautiful you are!" Ariel exclaimed as Athena curtsies to her. Ariel held her arms out for Athena to come forward and embrace her. The little princess did so and held on tight as her grandmother lifted her up.

"Have you showed your mother yet?" Ariel asks Athena. The princess shakes her head

"No, I came here first like you said too." Athena replies, playing with the buttons on her dress. Ariel kisses Athena's hands and smiles. She sits on her chair with Athena on her lap.

"Good girl. You know, this dinner is very important. You get to meet new people." Ariel says calmly as she pets Athena's brown hair, the one and ONLY thing she hopes she inherited for Ben.

"Who?" Athena asks innocently. Ariel smiles wide.

"Your other grandparents." Ariel answers. Athena her tilts her head.

More grandparents? This news was shocking but exciting as well. She has more grandparents. More people to love and play with. More grandparents to tell stories and go on adventures like she does with her grandpa Eric.

"I have more grandmas and grandpas?" Athena asks curiously.

"Yes, my little starfish. From your father's side." Ariel kisses the top of her head, but hiding the disgusted look she carries at the thought of her precious Athena knowing about Adam, Ben, and Belle.

"My father?" Athena asks.

"Yes, but they are different from me and grandpa Eric." Ariel says.

"Really? How?" Athena asks. Ariel stays silent for a moment, picking her words carefully.

"Well, when you were born, it was the happiest day in the world for us and your mommy, but others didn't feel the same." Ariel says slowly.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" Athena asks, feeling sad. Ariel looks closely to her granddaughter, seeing the tears well up. Her heart clenched, but she had to continue.

"No, my dearest  You did nothing wrong. They just didn't think it was the right time for you to be in our lives." Ariel says. She took a deep breath, trying to keep her own tears from falling at the memory she was think of. "When you were born, your mommy was very young and she didn't know what to do, but she wasn't alone. Your grandpa, aunties, and I were there to help her raise you. Ever my father and sisters were there, but not your other grandparents or father..."

"I'm sorry, Ariel, but Ben is too young to be a father." Belle announce, sitting beside her husband and thirteen young old son, Ben, who wasn't looking at any of the adults. Across the table sat Eric, Ariel, and King Triton. Ariel was on the verge of tears.

Her daughter, her Serena, four month pregnant and only thirteen year old, was being abandoned. These people in front of her, who she once considered the greatest friends, were leaving a young girl to raise a baby without the support of the father.

"And what about my granddaughter? Do you think she is old enough to have this child?!" Triton yelled in anger. His white beard was intimidating enough and even more so with the trident in hand.

"We understand that this is a lot to take in, but—"  Adam tried to calm everyone down and spoke calmly but Triton was having none of that.

"What, Beast?" Triton spat the word out. "As far as I understand, you are leaving Serena to take care of this child by herself. It takes two to tango. Ben is just as much responsible for this as Serena!" Triton's voice bounces off the walls like waves crashing onto rocks. Ben flinches at the fury of his girlfex-girlfriend's grandfather.

"Of course we are thinking about Serena as well. She is young, inexperienced in motherhood. I believe that the best course of action is to send the baby to a family that may take care of it."

"You want us to give the baby away." Ariel mutters. It wasn't a question, she repeating it to clearly understand it, but Belle replies.

"Yes. I believe—"

"I don't give a damn what you believe." Triton hisses. Adam looks at Triton and glares before standing from his seat.

"Now wait just a minute, you don't get—"

"Be quiet, before I choose to submerge your entire kingdom under water." Triton threats. The Auradon family looks at Triton in fear of the threat. Ariel finally stands, wiping away the stains from his face.

"Let's go." She tells her father and husband. Eric stands and turns to the door, too angry to stay and work anything out with Adam and Belle. Triton takes his daughters wrist and less to the door.

"I am sorry, but we can't have anything to do with this. I hope you can understood." Belle calls out to Ariel. Ariel stops and turns her head to look at Belle.

"Go to hell." Ariel grit her teeth before being led out of the room by her father.

Back at Eric and Ariel's castle, they walk into the drawing room where their eldest daughter, Melody and her fiance, Louise, waited. Melody was the first to stand and walk over.

"And? What happened? Is Ben coming to see her?" Melody asks. Ariel burst into tear and was held by her husband, who did his best to calm her.

"Those bastards!" Triton hissed at the thought on the Auradon royal family.

"Oh my God." Melody gasped. She looked at Louise with worry. Louise wrapped her arms around Melody and kissed the side of her head to calm her.

"They s-said..." Ariel hiccuped. "That they want nothing to do with the b-baby. That Ben is t-too young." Ariel sobbed on Eric's shoulder, trying her best to control her breathing.

"They wanted us to send the baby away as well."  Eric added. Melody takes hold her her mother's hand and gives it a squeeze.

"But you wouldn't, right?" Melody asks. She was too stressed with all this news.

"No! Of course not. This is my great-grandchild, I will not allow anyone else to raise them." Triton says. Ariel looks at her father in sadness.

"What about Serena? What will we say when she asks to see Ben?" Louise asks. They all look at her. Louise did stare at them for a moment before letting out a gasp. She eyes landed behind the other adults. Serena stood at the door, a hand on her pregnant belly, and tears leaving her eyes.

She heard it all. Ben abandoned her. She was alone. Serena nods slowly before turning around and walking away, using the wall for support. Ariel lets go of her husband and eldest daughter and go out to follow Serena.




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