rockabye •thirty-one

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A peaceful farewell was exchanged between the two gentlemen. Joaquin drove away, but not before informing Ben where the closest town was in case he needed to go. Ben braved himself and stepped into the forest. The sound of birds chirping was soothing considering how dark the forest was. The trees blocked much of the light but not enough that Ben couldn't see. He watched where he stepped and held on to trees so he wouldn't fall in a hole.

The sound of a twig snapped. Ben stopped and looked around, but there was nothing. He continued on farther, making sure he was walking in the northwest direction.

The sound of run steps were quick, but detected. Ben turned around quick to see anything there. Nothing. Out of the corner of his eye, something moved. Ben braved himself once again, deep breath, and booked it fast towards the right direction. He thanked Tourney for helping him become a fast runner.

The sound of twigs snapping under his feet matched the ones following behind him. Ben couldn't turn around, unless he wanted to knock himself into a tree the moment he turned back. No, he kept on running.

In the distance, he could see where the trees ended and a clear field was in view. He pasted by the last few trees but kept running. He did turn around to see what was behind him, only to trip over his own feet. He hit the soft grass with a thud.

The sound of growling was unmistakable. Ben looked up to see a dog standing just a few feet away, ready to run at Ben if he tried to leave. The dog growled, barring his canine teeth.

The sound of a whistle calmly the dog down. It sat down and tilted its head. Another whistle was let out and the dog ran. Ben flinched, but the dog never touched him. Instead it had ran passed and barked in happiness. Ben turned his head and saw the dog now playing with Athena, trying to slobber her face.

"Stop it, Arlo! Mama just gave me a bath and she said not to get my dress dirty!" Athena scowled Arlo the dog. Arlo sat once again and tilted his head at Athena. Athena patted his head gently before going over Ben.

"Why are you on the ground?" The little princess asks innocently with her head tilted slightly.



"Mama, look who's here!" Athena ran off with Arlo following behind her. In the distance, Serena was walking over with a basket in her hand. Athena held onto Serena hand and led her over to Ben.

"Why are you on the ground?" Serena asked staring at Ben from above.

"I fell?" Ben stutters.

"Okay then. Do you need help or..."

"No, no. I'm good." Ben quickly stood and balanced himself. He brushed the dirt and grass off his close as he stepped forward to the girls. Arlo, however, didn't take the action well. He growled at the young king, making Ben stop his tracks.

"Arlo, treats!" Serena says sweetly to the canine. Arlo lost his attack stance and bark happiness, waiting for a treat to be thrown his way. Serena took a cookie in the shape of a bone out of her basket and tossed it over for Arlo to catch. With much success, Arlo, munched happily before running off with Athena following behind. This left the young parents alone. Ben stepped forward carefully to Serena who nods at him.

"I'd thought it take you longer before you found us. Thank you for respecting my wishes and not bringing anyone with you."

"Well... It's best for us—all of us, to talk without the comments of... others." Ben slowed down, hoping Serena caught on to who he was talking about specifically. Serena covered her mouth to hide the giggle, making Ben smile and glad that he didn't offend her in anyway.

"You mean my mother?" She teasingly asks, knowing the answer. Ben tries to hide his grin by lowering his head to stare at his shoes. "Come on. You must be tired."

Ben let out a hearty breath before picking up the bag he dropped earlier. Athena and her dog companion ran ahead with Ben and Serena following behind.  They walked in silence all the way to their destination. Ben's eyes widen when one second ago Athena and the dog were in plain sight and in the blink of an eye, they vanished. Serena kept on walking a few steps ahead before she too had disappeared. Ben stared out in disbelief and stopped just from where Serena had disappeared. A hand suddenly popped out in front of him and pulled him forward by his shirt.

Ben stumbled and saw Serena had let go of his shirt before walking onward again. In the distance, a stylish two-story cottage with a white picket fence surrounding the property. Vines with red flowers wrapped around the fences. A bush of lavenders, beds tulips and peonies, rows of sunflowers. Even asters were wrapped around and trained up the the side of the little house.

He heard the sound of the babbling brook nearby and Athena happily laughter as she was running towards a tree with a swing attached.

Serena opened the gate and lead Ben down the stone path towards the porch. Under a little table was a large bowl with a baby duck swimming about.

What kind of paradise did he just stumble on?

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