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"Have a good first day back." Miranda smiled. "Be careful. I know you've been locked away in the house with me and the kids for almost two months.

"I'm not complaining I love my family and I will be careful at work."


"Promise." Ben smiled before kissing her lips.

"Do you want me to take Pru to daycare?"

"No she can stay home. I don't want to send her there when I'm home. She's going to preschool in a few months. I need to spend as much time with her as I can."

"You sure?"

"Yes I can handle it." Miranda said seriously finishing up breastfeeding.

"You okay?" Ben asked looking at her face as she put her breast back into her bra.

"Yeah I'm just tired of breastfeeding,  don't get me wrong it's rewarding and I’m thankful that I get to do it and the AAP strongly recommends it, but I'm a surgeon and I can't keep breastfeeding for 12 more months."

"I thought you were going to change to the pump."

"I am once I start back working, but how long can I do it."

"You can stop when ever is necessary for you and we can do formula."

Miranda and Ben looked up when they're room door push opened.

"Good morning sweetie." Miranda smiled at Pru.

"Good morning munchkin. You sleep good." Ben asked turning to her.

"Mmhm." She nodded. "I'm hungry." She stated rubbing her stomach.

"Okay I’m going to get up and get us Breakfast." Miranda told her. She watched as she stood by Ben and never moved closer.

"She doesn't like her Ben.

"Who Maddy?"

"Yes Pru doesn't like her."

Ben chuckled at his wife confused.

I'm serious. Watch this." Miranda said holding the baby. "Come here Pru, come to mommy."

Pru shook her head no and stepped behind Ben.

"Here now you hold Maddy."

Ben did as told and took her from Miranda. Pru immediately stepped away from him too.

"Come here Pru?" Miranda smiled stretching her arms out.

Pru then ran into Miranda's arms and laid her head against her chest.

"See." Miranda pouted and Ben held his mouth open shocked.

"Wow. She probably just doesn't want to hurt her. Since she is so small." Ben said seriously.

"Maybe that's what it is." Miranda pursed her lips.

"You better get her some breakfast." Ben chuckled.

"I'm coming. Hand me the baby sling before you leave."

Ben handed her the wrap that he considered the most confusing thing ever. He didn't know how Miranda figured that out every time. After Miranda got her situated she stood up and walked with the two out the door.

They walked downstairs to the kitchen and Ben sat Pru in her highchair. Miranda pulled out the ingredients to make French toast and scrambled eggs.

"Alright I'm out baby. I don't want to be late." He said hugging her side and kissing her for head.

"Okay. I will see you tonight." She smiled.

"Bye bye Pru."

"Bye." She held out for a while waving.

Miranda grabbed Pru's magnetic letters and let her spell her name and other words while she cooked.

"Here you go honey." Miranda sitting her plate with the cut up French toast in front of her. "It’s hot okay. What do we do when it's hot?"

"Blow it." Pru giggled holding up a piece.

Miranda blew on it before Pru mimicked her blowing loudly, before sticking it in her mouth. They repeated this until she did it on her own and then Miranda ate her food as well.

After breakfast they put together a big puzzle of a fairy and then Miranda bought out the dry erase boards so they could practice writing. She was surprised that Maddy was being so good, she was just staring up and looking at her making occasional noises.

Ben drove to work and walked inside. He took the stairs by two excited to be back. He opened the door and jumped at the claps he heard.

"Welcome back dad." Vic teased him.

"Welcome back Warren." Sullivan nodded.

"How's new baby life?" Travis asked genuinely wanting to know.

"Uh it's great, but exhausting." He admitted. "Baby's are tiring. She wakes up every 3 hours to eat. She's a good baby so she doesn't cry a lot unless she's frustrated or 1 of the 3 things, hungry, tired, or wet. Miranda is amazing she's so efficient and knows everything like the back of her hand. Did you know that baby's have different sounding cries for the different things they want."

"I didn't know that." Jack chuckled.

"Did you expect anything different it's Bailey."

"I didn't."

"And she likes being at home?" Maya asked.

"No she misses work, but she loves being a mother. You and Carina decided on a donor yet?"

"No. We keep arguing about it. I just want a guy that kind of looks like he would be one of my relatives, so the baby would look like it's a piece of me too, since it's her egg being used."

"I get that." Ben said seriously.

"Thank you." She nodded.

Ben ate breakfast before going to clean the fire truck. When he saw the chief walk out of the bunks he knew his wife was right about her seeing Sullivan.

"Hey Chief can I speak to you for a second."

"Hey Dr. Warren. Let me guess this is about the PRT."

"Yes. How did you know?" Ben asked confused.

"Herrera just pitched the same thing." She said seriously.

"Oh she did. That's great."

"Alright Warren. We will see about the Physician Response Team making a reprise, but I’m not going to lie. It might be kind hard convincing the board again. You have to get reapproved at Grey Sloan. Find a crew. Go through training and codes before we bring it up again."

"Thank you so much. I can do it." He said seriously.

"I can tell you want this badly. it great for the community, and saving lives in general."

"Thank you." He said again.

"How is chief Bailey and Miss Madelyn."

"They are both great." Ben smiled.

"Send her my regards and thanks for the invite to the sip and see. I had a great time."

"Will do." He nodded and she walked away.

Ben was excited this was exactly what he needed. He knew it would make Miranda happy and he couldn't wait to surprise her , If it actually happens.

On his lunch Break he drove down to station 23 and parked his car. He walked inside and looked for Deja, the woman he spoke to outside of the store a few months back.

"Hey Dr. Warren." Deja greeted seeing him come around the firetruck.

"Hey." He smiled.

"You looking for Captain Herrera?"

"No I was looking for you."

"Oh really what for?" Deja blushed looking up at him intently.

"Hey, so I talked to the chief about the PRT and getting it back out there. I was wondering if you would help me."

"Of course. Thank you for remembering me."

"How could I forget. Not everybody wants to ride a surgery truck."

"Everyone is not great either." She shrugged.

"That is true." Ben laughed.

"Well what do we have to do?"

"Uh we just have to attend a few meetings and try to train and gather people to work it. Also some codes and other managements have to be met."

"Okay cool."

"The thing is it’s probably going to be some long nights and early mornings because we still have to work."

"That's not a problem. I'm willing to put in the work and as long as you are buying some of these late night dinners."


"Do we need to exchange numbers." She asking biting her lip.

"Yeah. Here's mine. Ben said pulling out his phone.

She called his phone and added the number.

"Thanks I'll be in touch."

"I can't play right now Pru. I have to get Maddy to sleep for her nap."  Miranda explained. She held her hand as she brought Pru to her room and cut on word world, then she walked out and closed the baby gate behind her.

Pru reached for Miranda over the gate holding her arms out, signaling that she wanted to be picked up.

"Two seconds." Miranda breathed out walking away.

This was actually an extremely difficult day, she was fighting to keep Pru entertained and to keep Maddy happy.

She rocked Maddy back and forth singing softly until she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Miranda honestly wanted to take a nap herself, but she knew Pru was still up and wasn't going to sleep any time soon.

Getting up she walked across the hall and opened the gate

Pru turned to look at Miranda sadly, probably confused as to why she just left her there. It was unusual. They spent majority of their time together.

"You want to watch Elsa?" Miranda asked.

"Yes." She mumbled standing up and running over to her.

During the movie, Miranda heard the tiny cries through the baby monitor and she groaned. They were close to end, so Miranda paused it going to go get her baby.

"What's the matter Baby girl?" Miranda cooed the infant patting her back as she walked back into her room.

"No, that's my name." Pru sat up looking at Miranda intently.

"You're right. I'm sorry, how about Princess?" Miranda suggested.

"No." Pru said shaking her head.

"Honey." She tried.

Pru shook no again.

"Sweetie or sweetheart."

"Uh uh."

"How about pumpkin?" Miranda smiled.


"Well we have to call her something." She frowned.

Pru looked at Miranda with a disturbed face and just started.

Miranda sat on the edge of the bed rolling names around her head.

"What about rainbow?" Miranda suggested. She was indeed her rainbow baby and her first photoshoot at the hospital. They dressed her in a white dress with rainbows on it and a sign was in the picture that had her full name and a quote that read "After every storm comes a rainbow."

Pru looked at Miranda like she was thinking and nodded at the nickname for Maddy.

"Rainbow it is." She smiled. "Are you hungry Maddy?" Miranda cooed to the infant who smiled at what she was saying.

"When does her go home?"

Miranda eyes widened, and she bit her lip. She looked at Pru as her eyes water.

"This is her home. She lives with us."


"Well because she is our baby?"

"My baby?"

"Yeah she's your baby too. In a little while she is going to be big just like you. You two will play together and dance, and sing." Miranda explained.

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