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Ben went in for an early shift today because he wanted to take off at 12 and spend time with his wife while the kids were gone. She hasn't spoken to him a lot and he wanted to talk to her. He missed her and their dynamic before they had kids. Don't get him wrong he loved them more than anything in this world, but he missed his wife. Their banter, laughs, talks, kisses, sex, affection and anything else he could think of.

He knew he owed her a huge apology which he was ready to give. He had been keeping things from her for months now. It was a good cause, but he never wanted to lie to her. He had his last meeting yesterday and he was finally finished and the board decided that they were going to be reinstating the PRT.

Ben took out pork chops from the freezer before he left to go to work. He promised that he wouldn't be long and that he was coming home early.

Miranda replied him with a dry "mmhm" and shut the bathroom door. She didn't believe him and she hasn't spoken to him unless it was about the kids since that party.

She thought about him and everything that has transpired and would get pissed off every single time. 3 nights ago his phone was going off at 2 in the morning and she couldn't help but read the text messages that appeared. They were all from Deja of course.

Thanks for tonight hopefully we can do it again.

Every since that night Miranda just answered him with one word. No conversation was needed.

This morning He took Maddy to daycare and Pru to school, so she was free to have the day to herself. She honestly just wanted to clean and watch tv.

She walked downstairs and cut the tv on going to YouTube, clicking to her R&B Playlist she smiled hearing Anita Baker. After cleaning up the living room putting all the toys in their bins.

When she got to the kitchen. She saw the bowls in the sink.

"How hard is it to put stuff in the dishwasher?" She knew it wasn't nobody but William and Joseph.

She started getting bowls and utensils out. She turned to rinse them out when suddenly..


Miranda yelped as cold water spurted all over her. She blinked the water from her eyes and began to shiver from the sudden temperature drop. "What the hell?!" She turned the faucet on again. Water sprayed at her again and onto her kitchen floor.

"Ugh. Why today?" She huffed talking to herself.

She pulled out her phone to call Ben and when he didn't answer she clicked her teeth. She knew he was at work, but she wanted him to leave for a merely 10 minutes to fix their sink.

She didn't want to wait until he got off, when ever that was, she needed the problem solved now.

Miranda looked at Andrew's contact before hovering over it. Maybe he was at work and wouldn't answer.

When he picked up her eyes widened. Did she want to bother him. Well it was too late now.

"Hey Miranda. You there?" He questioned.

"Yes sorry. Good morning. I was calling to see if you knew anything about fixing a faucet?"

"In the kitchen or the bathroom?" Andrew asked.

"The kitchen. There is water everywhere and I'm currently soaking wet." Miranda huffed.

Andrew cleared his throat and licked his lips, not that Miranda could see.

"Yeah send me your address and I will be over with my toolbox in a few minutes."

"You don't have to work?" Miranda asked quickly.

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