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Harry didn't know what was attacking the students, but so far he had been able to isolate the species.

It was a snake. A rare and unusual one if he was right. He had gone looking for large, deadly and unusual snakes and hit on only one entry.

Basilisk. And it fit the profile as well. If the victims had only seen a reflection, not the actual gaze, then it was possible that it could cause petrification.

More importantly it fit Richard's usual profile of preferred pets. He still had that dragon he stole, along with Scooter (which he always thought was a silly name for a Kraken) and several other bizarre that octo-bear thing.

"A massive, poisonous snake you say?" said Richard, rubbing his chin.

"Complete with deadly gaze and venom that is almost always lethal. The only known counter to it is phoenix tears."

"Phoenix tears? I didn't know birds could cry."

"Apparently phoenixes do. They also set themselves on fire and are nearly impossible to kill," said Harry, almost salivating.

A bird that could set itself on fire? Where did he sign up? It was almost like having Norbert around again.

"As amusing as having a pet snake is, I think that would be more up your alley. Besides, you have to start your 'collection' somewhere."

Harry had an odd look on his face.

"Do you think it'll fit in my bag?"

His 'bag' was mostly an enchanted backpack.

"Hmm. How to deal with this. I know!" he said cheerfully, before he pulled out his 'spare' bag. It didn't have the flowers like on his usual one. "When we find it's lair you can use this to keep it in until you get your own."

"That reminds me... you should probably share your 'pets' with Hagrid...and I wonder how the squid in the lake would react to Scooter."

"Probably end up having little baby Krakens. Scooter's a girl..." said Richard, before an idea came to him.

"You're going to let Scooter out into the lake later aren't you?" said Harry knowingly.

"Well it is getting crowded in that bag and it would be hilarious to see the Centaurs run into my pets...besides, Hagrid heard I had a pet dragon and has been wanting to see it since we got back."

Wizards weren't allowed to own personal dragons. They were too visible and destructive. Warlocks, on the other hand...they were pretty much allowed to do whatever the hell they wanted so long as they agreed not to wipe out entire countries and didn't kill anyone too important. So Richard could own his dragon and no one would say squat about it.

Harry had the fun of seeing Hagrid acting like a little kid seeing the dragon Richard had stuffed in his purse...and the various other odd beasties the Warlock had collected over the years.

Harry helped Richard put Scooter in the Black Lake. He made sure to tell the twins so they could get a picture of the Headmaster's reaction if the giant squid and Richard's pet kraken happened to mate.

Harry was halfway to the third floor when he realized he had just stepped in toilet water. Again. Sighing in annoyance, he went into the girl's bathroom where a furious Myrtle floated about.

"What happened this time?" he asked. Ever since they 'freed' the annoying ghost she had been making up for lost time by flooding the halls almost every day. The girl was fast becoming a headache that Harry fully planned to send Richard in to deal with in a more

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