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Dib awoke, groggily sitting up as he reached for his glasses.

Upon putting them on, he glances around the room for a moment, his mind gathering what happened the night before.

He then remembered the alien that should be in his room.

Suddenly feeling very awake, Dib got off his bed, and then looked underneath it.

Much to his relief, Zim had not gone and ran away, and was still in his room, asleep.

Well, not so much asleep anymore, as the alien's antenna perked up, and his bug-like eyes soon followed after, staring straight at him.

Zim shot a quizzical expression at the human as he sat up slightly, slowly moving towards the end of the bed.

"Move! " The alien demanded in a quiet hiss as he approached where he was, making Dib realise he had been frozen in place.

He quickly scrambled to his feet, getting out of Zim's way so he could get up.

He just rolled his eyes as he got up, seemingly not actually that bothered by Dib being there.

There was silence for a few moments, a very awkward silence, that the alien did not seem to notice.

Zim's antenna suddenly perked up again, and he turned his head back to Dib, as if about to say something.

But the opening of his door interrupted any chance of whatever he'd wanted to say.

Gaz stood in the entrance, console in her hand.

"Foodio made breakfast. " She said bleakly, her expression looking as blank as ever as the two stood, frozen and staring.

Gaz squinted an eye at the alien and him, looking ever so slightly more surprised.

"Zim? " Gaz questioned, though he could tell the question was meant for him.

Dib opened his mouth, but couldn't seem to find any excuses to use.

"Err- Zim broke into Dib-stinks house! " Zim suddenly shouted, his voice lingering with a croak, pointing at the human next to him.

Dib found himself mentally face palming at Zim's ridiculous excuse, but he'd go with it.

"Right… and that's why he's bandaged up, with your bandages? " Gaz teased, gesturing to the open medicine kit that he'd forgotten to fully pack up.

He sighed in defeat, their bluff being called out.

"Look I don't really care if you and Zim had a sleepover, dads left for work a few hours ago, just come and eat. " She informed, while walking away, her voice sounding bored, but still slightly caring.

Once Gaz was out of hearing range, Dib spoke.

"I know you can eat some human foods, and you probably need to eat. " Dib whispered, pulling Zim out of the room and to the kitchen with him.

This received a hiss from the alien, but ultimately he complied, and a few moments later, they sat at the table while foodio gave the humans their plate.

The robot seemed to notice the new guest at the table, spinning around to Zim.

It suddenly poked Dib that he probably didn't know how to tell foodio what to make.

But before he could instruct him, he was interrupted.

"Waffles, no soap. " Zim instructed the robot, and a few moments later, his dish of two waffles was served.

Dib glanced at the alien, a bit surprised that he knew how to, but then shook himself for even thinking he wouldn't. He'd seen the kind of technology his species had.

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