carpark confessions.

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y/n pov
i quickly said goodbye to dahlia and left the house with lizzie. while walking beside her i kept my head down with my hood up. i knew if she looked at me she would know i had been crying.

we got in one of the cars and i had only been responding to lizzie using a stream of hums and the occasional 'yeah' or 'okay'.

i knew she picked up on this but i was too in my head to care. i've started to really regret telling dahlia about what happened.

i don't want her to look at me any differently now. she almost knows everything to do with my childhood. even more of the emotional trauma than lizzie knew. it was just so draining having to keep up with this all all the time.

"so you start filming again next week that's exiting" lizzie said trying to draw a conversation out of me. i hummed in agreement pinching and rubbing the skin on the back of my hand.

i watched as the cars passed around us in a blur and all of a sudden we were outside the hospital. but we didn't get out of the car.

my heartbeat echoed in my head as NDA played on the radio. my breathing started to get delayed and i could feel the concern and confusion basically radiating off the woman next to me.

she reached a hand out to comfort me but on instinct i flinched away.

i saw out of the corner of my eye as she retracted her hand fast as if she had touched a hot stove.

"y/n?" her tone was soft and endearing. but i couldn't answer her i rested my head on my knee trying to pull myself together.

suddenly my phone rang out interrupting the uncomfortable silence that had settled in the car.

i pulled it out of my pocket wiping my eyes on my sleeve before looking at the contact. realmotherSUZAN. i stared at the phone not ready to face what she was calling me about.

once the call rung out my lock screen came back and i saw it was 7:57am

"we better go in" i said shaking.

lizzie hasn't said anything but she only started to get out of the car once i left the vehicle. we walked into the hospital in silence but when we got into the elevator i reached out and grabbed her hand.

she looked down at me and gave me a comforting smile squeezing my hand twice in reassurance.

i rested my head on her shoulder for a brief second before the elevator doors opened and we walked out.

"appointment for y/n y/l/, no cold symptoms....okay thank you" lizzie lead me to the waiting area and we sat down in a more secluded part.

instantly i rested my head on her shoulder again. i figured i was in seek of comfort or maybe i was just tired.

lizzie brought her hand up to hold the side of my face, she kissed the top of my head and rubbed her thumb over my cheek.

my face softened completely.

lizzie's pov
y/n looked up at me with the most drained and beat expression i think i've seen on her. i could feel her take a deep breath every now and again as she was leaning on me heavily.

i was really worried about her. these past few days she's just been off. like she will act completely "normal" when hanging out with everyone but when she thinks no one is looking i see how her expression just drops.

and the fact i saw both her and dahlia crying this morning only made me more curious and concerned.

i gently ran my fingers through her hair and searched my brain for any reason she could be acting strange.

was it something i've done?

"y/n?" her doctor comes out calling her name. we stand up and follow her to a vacant room. on the walk there i watch as y/n rubs her face before her once drained expression was replaced with a calm almost happy face.

"so y/n how have you been" the doctor starts with small talk before getting into the appointment.

y/n had to take her shirt off in order for the doctor to check her injury's were healing well and although everything had started to heal it still looked very painful.

this was the conclusion the doctor got as well as she went to access y/ns foot.

"so you've been keeping the weight off it and elevating your foot when resting yes?" she questioned to which y/n nodded. we both don't mention her walking on it in the past day.

"well i think we can take this off it then" the doctor said happily making us smile.

she got out the necessary tools and started with the removal (ik it doesn't always work like this but idfc)

soon enough y/n had her foot free from the cast. "don't think your out of the woods yet though. i recommend not walking consistently for more than 30 minutes. definitely no running and overall just be careful okay" she nodded and we were clear to go.

it was a silent walk back to the car and i couldn't help but have the feeling in my chest that somethings really wrong. maybe i'll call my own mother and see what she would do.

we both got in the car and she started to curl in on herself again. "if your not up to go out today everyone will understand" i turned to the teenager still scared to reach out and comfort her because of her flinching away.

she sighed before answering. "if anything i think i need today" she started. "there's something i want to tell you but i can't physically find the words. i'm probably being dramatic about the whole thing so i'm sorry for shutting everyone out recently but i don't know how to healthily respond to stuff right now, maybe i do need therapy" she pulled at the loose fabric threads on her pants.

"whenever your ready honey, i'm here to listen. i will always be here for you. i love you and i wish i had met you and been able to help you sooner. no one deserves to go through what you had and you are so strong for being able to come out the other side. you are not alone anymore and you got this okay? i believe in you and i am so so proud sweetheart"

this was meant to be a comfort chapter but then i started crying.

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