School band

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bare with me it's 11pm and i've had no sleep recently.

y/n pov
i started laughing then she started laughing. it was over nothing but it felt like i had no worries in the world.

"ugh the munchies" she said throwing her head back. "come with me" she whispered loudly.

we hopped down from the windowsill and quietly wondered downstairs for some food she was making a 4 layer ham sandwich while i had a packet of vege chips sitting on the bench.

"bro if it was edible i feel like wood would taste really nice, like it seems nice to crunch into" she said ripping her sandwich in half.

"were you a paper eater as a kid" i asked her. she nodded.

"paper and play dough, never got the glue eaters" she shook her head and i nodded.
we took our snacks back upstairs not sleeping for the rest of the night. she was high out of her mind but i'd rather be in control of what i do.

at 630 shes crashed in bed and i followed not long after. only to have to wake up an hour later. i got up feeling horrible and honestly still not all there but got dressed for school anyway.

everything passed so quickly all of a sudden i was walking to music with dahlia. "are you okay? you seem off today" dahlia said looking at me concerned. "are you worried about this afternoon?"

i stopped walking, i had completely forgotten about this afternoon to focused on nothing.
"i'll be fine" i told her now nervous again.

she slipped her hand into mine rubbing a thumb over my hand. i rested my head on her shoulder as we made it to the music rooms.

jasmine and tori were sitting at our table and we joined them as jas showed us the rest of the lyrics she had came up with.

"i want the drums like-" she made the beat with different noises and somehow i understood it.

i nodded and we went into one of the rooms. my school is just a normal school but our art program is one of the best so we have a lot of stuff for it.

anyway i sit behind the drums following the beat jas wanted. tori was working with dahlia as she played the bass guitar and keyboard. after we figured out how we wanted it we worked on it together.

"yknow hollywood, they say drums are easy to learn hard to master but your getting pretty good" jas complimented stealing some of tori's water.

"thank you, garageband taught me well" we laughed right as the music teacher mr james walked in.

"checkpoints today, i need each of your parts and 30 seconds recorded" he said leaving the room. this really made us focus and we ended up smashing out the first minute or so.

"that has such a groove to it i love it" jas said happy with it. after getting that done has and tori went to show the teacher while dahlia and i stayed in here.

"your starting to love the drums, i can see it in your eyes" dahlia said coming up to me.

"it's so fun hitting something and making noises it itches my brain perfectly" i said happy. "maybe i'll get a drum kit"

the girls came back in and looked annoyed.
"we're the first to finish so the teacher wants us to play infront of the class.

she rolled her eyes. i didn't feel ready for it but i didn't have time to do anything as the class filed into the room standing or sitting around us.

the into started with me. then tori then has singing. after the first bit dahlia came in and it was all sounding good. until i fell behind a little but no one noticed.

when we played the last bit we had the bell went as a finishing touch.
after a short applause as everyone was leaving we grabbed our bags and headed to lunch.

"beep!" i hear charles say loudly as he bulldozes into me on his walk past. i roll my eyes at him as he falls into step with dahlia and i.

"you shooting tonight?" he asked as we had night two of our show, 2 of 3.
i shook my head.

"only if i make it in time.
my thing is supposed to be done at 5 and the shows at 6 so hopefully" i responded and he nodded.

we all walk into english and he sits infront of us with his friend.
half way into the class he spins around and grabs my pencil case.

i don't bother letting him get what he needs as i lift my legs to red them on dahlias. she simpling moves her hands to over my legs and continues through her phone.

"now that's a hot one" i heard her say leaving over to show me her phone.

i watch as someone has made an edit of me from literally an hour ago in music. someone in the class must've recorded it.

i wrack my brain for who was sitting where the angle was form but i can't remember.
anyway at least i didn't look horrible in the cideo considering school air and everything.

at 1pm i got signed out by lucy who was taking me to court.

i was silent the whole ride and when i got there i ran to lizzie's arms. she hugged me and had a massive smile on her face.

lizzie's pov
my lawyer had a great argument for todays close and i have faith this roll go well.
i will walk out of here with y/n as my legal daughter.

i've been trying to write for days but i've been so busy and so this is probably shit but anyway

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