3) Type

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Woonhak and Jaehyun were having a peaceful lunch together at their usual table like always until a sudden surprise guest appeared.

"Hey Woonhak, what's your type?" Leehan suddenly asked as he sat down at their lunch table.

"My type?" Woonhak questioned as he looked back and forth between Leehan and Jaehyun.

Jaehyun looked just as confused with a little blend of annoyance. "Why do you need to know his type?" He scoffed.

"I'm asking for one of my friends from elementary school, who has a fat crush on you." Leehan explained.

Jaehyun didn't believe it for a second and already wanted to just walk away and drag Woonhak along with him.

"Oh wow, I already have a secret admirer?" Woonhak blushed which immediately triggered Jaehyun again.

"Yep, so what's your type?" Leehan persisted.

"I've never really thought about it." The younger answered shyly.

"Ok well, what do you like looks-wise, like height or hair or any specific features." Leehan tried to pry.

Woonhak thought for a second before answering. "Um I guess, shorter than me and shorter hair as well and maybe a nice smile."

"Perfect, uh ok what about personality." Leehan smiled and continued.

"Well they obviously have to be nice and caring but we also have to have similar senses of humour. Oh, and I also kind of like clingy people." Woonhak smiled at his last answer. Jaehyun's eyes light up once he realizes how he fits Woonhak type pretty well.

"You like clingy, ok got it! I'm sure she'll be happy to hear this, she's been nagging me all week." Leehan sighed.

"Really?" Jaehyun scoffed with an annoyed demeanour.

"Yeah," Leehan's mouth curled into an awkward line. "Ok... I should go now, thanks Woonhak and see you guys tomorrow." Leehan said before he ran away.

"Oh, alright bye." Woonhak waived.

"Is that really your type?" Jaehyun asked eagerly while not paying Leehan's departure any attention.

"Um yeah, why?" Woonhak questioned his sudden enthusiasm.

"Nothing~" Jaehyun giggled as he looked away while Woonhak just shook his head and continued eating.


After finding out what Woonhak's type was, that was all Jaehyun could think about. As if Woonhak doesn't already occupy his mind enough. Now adding to the fact that he knows precisely what Woonhak is looking for, Jaehyun is obsessed. Jaehyun has always been a very stubborn person and when he sets his mind on something it is almost like he has tunnel vision. So to no surprise, he could not pay attention in class.

It looked like he was writing something in a small book. No one else really batted an eye because it seemed like he was doing work. But his seatmate knew what he was up to.

Riwoo was Jaehyun's seatmate for both first and third period. He observed Jaehyun quite a lot since he had nothing better to do. Riwoo noticed that Jaehyun often pulled out a small blue notebook whenever he seemed distracted.

He could see Jaehyun visibly devote himself to this book. He often hunched over it and wrote away, letting the book consume him. Riwoo figured it was a good cover-up to get away with not actually doing work but honestly, it looked like more work.

Riwoo tried many times to see what he was writing in the notebook but he only ever managed to see the top of the page. It read: "Dear Woonhak,". He knew that name was familiar but he couldn't put a face to it. Until he finally connected the dots and realized, Jaehyun was writing about that boy from first period. Riwoo knew exactly what that meant.

"Hey, Jaehyun." Riwoo lightly tapped the younger shoulder.

"Hum." Jaehyun hummed as he finally took his eye off his notebook.

"You must really like Woonhak, huh?" Riwoo smiled while pointing at the small blue book.

Jaehyun's face turned white like a ghost as he quickly closed his book and became frantic. "What? Oh no I just-"

"It's ok, I don't judge. I mean I hope I wouldn't since you know, I'm kind of..." The elder reassured Jaehyun as he alluded to something with a small pause and a floppy hand gesture.

Jaehyun felt so relieved. It can be scary being gay in high school, especially in Korea. So it would be an understatement to say that Jaehyun was initially terrified. Being sniffed out so early on in his high school experience could have been detrimental. But all that fear went away once he realized that Riwoo was... like-minded.

"Oh~" Jaehyun awkwardly laughed.

"Yeah, so don't stress. I'm just playing with you." Riwoo smiled as he patted Jaehyun's back. "So, tell me what's so special about Woonhak." He whispered with a small nudge.

"What isn't special about Woonhak?" Jaehyun smirked which earned a giggle from his elder. "He's so smart and talented and caring and patient with me and even when he does get annoyed, he's so cute. I mean he's sooo cute." Jaehyun practically crumbled while talking about Woonhak and after realizing he had said too much he quickly buried his blushed face into his hands and apologized.

Riwoo laughed at his cheesiness. "No no no, don't stop." He said teasingly as he tried to pull Jaehyun's hands off his face.


It was finally the end of the day and Jaehyun and Woonhak planned to meet just outside of the front gates like they have been for the past few days.

"Woonhak, hold me." Jaehyun whined dramatically as he flopped into Woonhak's arms.

The younger laughed as he hugged his elder back. "Well hello to you too."

"I missed you so much~" Jaehyun sighed.

"I know, I know, I missed you too." Woonhak patted Jaehyun's back as they swayed into their hug.

Jaehyun nodded onto the younger's shoulder. "Good, now can you carry me."

"I can't, I broke my leg." Woonhak said as he pulled Jaehyun off of him.

"What! Actually? How?!" The elder began to freak out as he backed up to get a better look.

"I got into a fight with a shark and he bit my leg clean off." Woonhak joked as he started running away before Jaehyun could cling on again.

"Woonhak! That's not funny! Get back here!" Jaehyun yelled as he ran after him.

"Then why are you smiling?!" Woonhak turned as he continued running.

"Because it was stupid!" The elder continued to yell as he kept lunging at the younger.

"So it was funny?!" Woonhak smirked.

"No!" Jaehyun whined as they ran all the way to the bus stop.


Dear Woonhak ✿ Jaehyun x Woonhak Where stories live. Discover now