23) Understand

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Dear Woonhak, 10/4/2023

I feel like I'm going mentally insane! It's been 4 days since I've seen you! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) Stupid Leehan and Taesan need to settle their shit like now! I somehow managed to survive 4 years without you but now that we're back together and our relationship has sort of changed, 4 days without you just feels like hell, it's almost like rehab. I definitely would say I'm addicted to you, I mean how couldn't I be, You're handsome and cute at the same time, you're smart yet still goofy and you're so sweet like sugar. Damn that sounds cheesy but it's true. I wish I could actually make you mine but I don't feel like it's right if we're doing it in secret. I wish I could just scream my love for you from the top of my lungs but you would definitely kill me before I even got the chance lol.

Love, Jaehyun.

These past four days have been painfully slow for Jaehyun but if you were to ask Woonhak he would definitely say he has it worse. Leehan has been spending every second with Woonhak like a leech just moping around and staring at his phone as if it would ring at any second the whole time.

Woonhak had to take care of the elder as he whined and complained for hours on end. The only time Woonhak managed to get a break was during the classes that they didn't have together or right now, while he's taking the trash out, which is mostly filled to the brim with Leehan's snotty tissues. 'I swear he's acting like Taesan died or something.' Woonhak thought to himself as he rolled his eyes, heaved the trash over his shoulder and slinked his way through the halls in exhaustion.

Taking care of a heartbroken friend who's heartbroken for almost no reason was proven more difficult than Woonhak had anticipated. But even though he was a little tired of playing babysitter, he felt like he owed it to Leehan to be there for him.

Leehan had done the same for him when Jaehyun moved and he knew it was his turn to return the favor. This experience has also sort of helped Woonhak understand Leehan's point of view about his own relationship with Jaehyun. Although Woonhak doesn't necessarily hate Taesan like how Leehan hates Jaehyun, he still doesn't really like how he maked his friend feel.

But just as Woonhak was lost in thought and lugging his trash along with him, he suddenly saw a stunningly beautiful face greeted him at the end of the hall like a glowing angel. "Hi."

"Jaehyunnnn~" Woonhak whined as he dropped his trash on the floor and sloppily hugged the elder. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, it's trash day so I'm throwing my trash out just like you." Jaehyun teased as he playfully swayed into their hug.

"But I've never seen you take out the trash before." Woonhak scrunched his brows and confusion.

"Well normally Sungho does it but he fell asleep early." Jaehyun lied as he pulled them out of their hug, he might have asked his roomie to take out the trash instead so he could hopefully bump into a current someone to which Sungho obviously obliged. "Hey, do you want to hang out in the stairwell and get away from Leehan for a bit?" The elder then asked with a tempting smile and shining puppy dog eyes that almost made Woonhak cave.

But he couldn't help but feel guilty, Leehan never ditched him for a guy before so he knew he had to reject him. "I can't." He sighed.

"Awe~ why?" The elder immediately whined as he grabbed onto the younger hand.

"Leehan and Taesan still haven't made up so we still can't see each other. I'm lucky that I even got to throw out the trash in peace." Woonhak explained.

"Oh come on, just 10 minutes? This feels like Woonhak rehab all over again." Jaehyun complained dramatically as he used a quote from his secret Woonhak diary, which made the younger laugh in response.

Dear Woonhak ✿ Jaehyun x Woonhak Where stories live. Discover now