11) Extra fluff!!

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"So you really think you can actually beat me, huh?" Jaehyun teased Woonhak as they walked towards the basketball court once school had ended for the day.

"No, I know I can beat you," Woonhak smirked which earned a fake impressed look from the other.

"Oh ok, tough guy we'll see about that." Jaehyun taunted as he threw a basketball at the younger.

"We will see," Woonhak said while dribbling the ball all the way to the net, taking a shot and instantly getting it in on the first try.

Jaehyun gulped at the site from intimidation but also because Woonhak looked so hot while doing it. Jaehyun already knew that he lost.

As they played the score was pretty even, it's currently 9/9 and by the looks of it Jaehyun was about to score another point. But as he was about to shoot, Woonhak jumped in front of him.

Woonhak laughed at the elder's startled face as he continued to taunt him. Jaehyun then quickly turned around so Woonhak couldn't snatch the ball and he frantically looked around for his next move. But the longer he took, the closer Woonhak got. Now they're both rubbed up against each other and their body heat is combining into one, making the elder sweat even more.

As Jaehyun's brain slowly malfunctioned from their position, Woonhak quickly snatched the ball and ran to score, giving him the winning point.

"YAH!!! I WON!!!" Woonhak cheered as he ran back over to Jaehyun and jumped on top of him causing them to fall to the ground.

"Ow~ ok ok," Jaehyun whined under the younger while tapping his shoulder to get off.

They both started laughing as Woonhak stood up and pulled the elder along with him. "I told you I'd beat you." He smiled with one last tease.

"Whatever," Jaehyun said with a fake eye roll as he tried his best to hide his smile. Although Jaehyun might have lost, it still kind of felt like he won by seeing the younger's happiness.


"You were in there for a while, what took you so long?" Woonhak teased with a cheeky smile as he watched Jaehyun walk out of the bathroom, fresh from the shower.

"What, um." Jaehyun's face grew red, immediately catching on to what the younger was implying.

"Relax I'm just kidding," Woonhak reassured as he let out a light giggle while sitting up on the edge of the bed.

Jaehyun tsked while shaking his head. "Whatever, it's not my fault you take really quick showers that make mine seem super long in comparison."

"Sure whatever you say, now can you just come here so I can dry your hair." Woonhak dismissed as he gestured for the other to sit on the floor in front of him with a hair dryer in hand.

"Really, you never want to blow-dry my hair." Jaehyun jumped in excitement as he almost couldn't believe it.

"Well, I'm feeling nice today." Woonhak smiled as he pulled Jaehyun closer to him by his wrists and sat him down.

"Can you give me a head massage too?" Jaehyun asked while tilting his head up to meet the younger face to face as he gave him a little puppy dog look, that Woonhak almost couldn't say no to.

"Don't push your luck." Woonhak sassed as he inched his face closer and closer to Jaehyun's to tease him.

Jaehyun could feel the younger breath on his face as they made eye contact which made his already blushed-stained cheeks even redder. "um, fine." Jaehyun broke their tension while tilting his head back down to a normal position as he pouted to make it seem like he was upset.

Woonhak giggled while shaking his head in defeat. "Ok fine, I'll give you a head massage."

"Actually? Oh, thank you Woonhakie!" Jaehyun flashed the younger a large grin before hugging his leg.

"Ok you're welcome, now stop moving and let me dry your hair before you get sick," Woonhak said as he grabbed the elder's head to straighten it.

As Woonhak dried Jaehyun's hair he ran his fingers through the elder's scalp and fluffed up the longer tufts of hair which gave Jaehyun goosebumps all around. Once he had finished he placed the hair dryer to the side and began massaging.

Jaehyun hummed under Woonhak's touch, he was equally nervous and relaxed and Jaehyun never wanted it to stop.

"You know, you look really cute in my pyjamas," Woonhak said as he continued to massage the elder's head

Jaehyun's stomach immediately started doing back flips from the compliment and all he wanted to do was tackle the younger, cuddle him, kiss him and squash his cute face in return.

But after a moment with no response from the elder, Woonhak tried to get his attention again. "Did you hear me? I said-"

"Woonhak," Jaehyun quickly shut him up as he stood up and laid down on top of Woonhak forcing him to lie down as well.

"Jae~ you're heavy," Woonhak whined as he felt a little suffocated by the other.

Jaehyun ground as he wrapped his arms and legs around the younger like a koala. "I'm tired." He then complained while nuzzling his face into the crook of Woonhak's neck.

"I know," Woonhak said as he padded the clingy boy's head. "Me too."


ac: they're too cute I love them and I hope this made you guys feel a little better 😅 (also just incase anyone didn't see the previous chapter, make sure you read it!!)

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