Foreword /// For All Who Shines Divine

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Dedicated to Thonkerthechonker, Assgobler, and all the amazing people in his Discord server

This story converges a lot with When Oil Runs Red and When Oil Runs White by the people mentioned above. Originally, this story stemmed from a fusion/revision of the two legendary fanfictions.

Think of it as a watered-down fanwork of When Oil Runs Red.

It had bested machines. It had bested demons. It had bested archangels in pursuit of blood. It had run relentlessly through the chambers, never looking back, fists punching guns firing and blood spilling.

It had killed merciful kings, it had killed vengeful emperors, It had killed primes, It had killed husks. But when the deed was done... When its oil ran red with fresh blood... When it exited the circles, one by one... Only the abyss stared back into its lone, yellow eye.

Through the violence, this machine carried a tragedy within, the tragedy of mankind, saints, and devils alike. And with its closure, it finds itself descending upon the sacred realm of Treachery...




///Disclaimer: This story is a work in progress, and due to the author's limited knowledge of English, expect some errors and feel free to notify the author.///

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