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Mirana's phone rings as she gets into the car with Tim

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Mirana's phone rings as she gets into the car with Tim. She sighs deeply when she sees the area code for the number before answering as Tim starts the car.

"Elian," Mirana says and Tim's head snaps in her direction. "What do you want now?"

"I have a deal for you,"

"Not interested,"

"It involves Officer Bradford,"

"This is between us Elian. Leave everyone else out of it,"

"Officer Bradford is the reason you won't come home. I know it. A father always knows. So I'll get one of my guys to kill his wife, he'll hand himself over and then the two of you come to Cuba,"

"You're pathological," Mirana laughs. "The reason I'm not coming back to Cuba is that you're there. So will you finally get the hint and piss off?"

Mirana hangs up the phone with a roll of her eyes before the laptop pings.

"Officer-involved shooting," Mirana reads out slowly before her eyes widen. "It's Nolan"

"We'll need to go back to the station," Tim says. "They'll want to ask questions"

"About what? We weren't even there,"

"They'll ask us questions about Nolan," Tim explains. "The kind of guy that he is. Is he prone to violence? Has he ever expressed violent ideals to you? Those kinds of things"

"You barely know Nolan," Mirana says.

"Which is why they'll want me to answer from an objective professional perspective,"


Mirana sits across from Detective Barrett in an interrogation room as the woman asks her questions.

"How would you characterize Officer Nolan?"

"Officer Nolan is a great man," Mirana says. "He is kind and has enough compassion to fuel this entire station"

"Is he on any medication?"

"Not to my knowledge,"

"Has Officer Nolan ever talked about wanting to use force?"

"No, Officer Nolan has expressed the urge to try and take the route of building a rapport with a suspect. He has never expressed a desire to use excessive force,"

"Is he going through anything in his personal life?"

"Not to my knowledge,"

"Are you sure? Anything traumatic? Death of a parent? Breakup? Interpersonal conflict?"

"No, not to my knowledge," Mirana shakes her head, nibbling the inside of her cheek hoping Lucy and Nolan had also opted to not divulge their relationship.

"Is there anything else you wish to tell me that is relevant to this case?"


"Then you're free to leave,"

Mirana leaves the interrogation room and begins to walk down the hallway, only to be pulled into a supply closet and squished between two bodies.

"Luce? Jackson?" Mirana asks. "What are you doing?"

"Tim's keeping an eye out," Lucy says. "I told him it was your idea to meet in here after we were all interrogated"

"They're trying to make him out to be a stone-cold killer," Jackson whispers.

"It's psychological," Lucy says. "If we think that they think Nolan's guilty, we might flip and say bad things about him"

"The only person that would work on is Smitty," Mirana says. "This whole thing is a mess. Nolan is not the kind of guy who would just shoot someone without reason."

"We know that," Jackson agrees. "But it's a process. They'll investigate thoroughly. We just need to stay strong and tell the truth."

"I hate that we can't be there for him," Lucy says, frustration evident in her voice.

"It's for the integrity of the investigation," Jackson reassures. "We just have to trust the process."

Three knocks tap against the door before footsteps recede. Mirana looks at Lucy and Jackson in confusion.

"It means there's no chance of anyone seeing the three of us leave the closet," Lucy says, opening the door before they all pile out.

Tim is waiting at the end of the corridor and he waits for Mirana to catch up with him before they start walking away.

"Have you heard anything?" Mirana asks.

"About Nolan? Or Isabel?"


"Isabel's agreed to become a CI," Tim says. "Keeps her out of prison. For Nolan, the Union lawyer's on the way and his bodycam footage is being reviewed"

"Bodycam footage?" Mirana questions, her mind already running through the events of the day. "They'll see he acted in self-defence, right?"

"That's what we're hoping for," Tim replies, his expression serious. "We need the evidence to be clear, or they might try to twist the narrative. From the sounds of it, it was clean-cut. Nothing any cop in this station wouldn't have done"

"I hope so," Mirana sighs.

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