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Angela bites her lip nervously, getting to her feet when Wesley enters the room

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Angela bites her lip nervously, getting to her feet when Wesley enters the room. Relief washes over her for the first time since her wedding.

"Oh my god," Angela cries, wrapping her arms around Wesley who returns the hug before Abril forces them apart.

"She's not yours anymore!" Abril snaps. "She's mine and you don't touch her unless I say you can"

"Where's Mirana?" Wesley asks Angela who bites her lip nervously.

"I haven't seen her since we arrived," Angela shakes her head. "They whisked her away after she- She miscarried. La Fiera is obsessed with having her as her daughter, she's hoping Mirana will grow to love her"

Fireworks explode in the distance and Wesley's eyebrows furrow as he realises what it means.

"There's a problem, we're going to have to go with Plan B," Wesley says before turning to Abril. "Go get a doctor! There's something wrong!"

"Get her on the bed!" Abril snaps when Angela groans, clutching her stomach as she begins to lean against Wesley. "I'll go and get a doctor"

Once Angela is settled on the bed, Wesley pulls out a syringe and Angela's eyes widen. "What the hell is that?"

"Pitocin," Wesley replies. "Enough to start contractions"

"You can't," Angela shakes her head as she begins to cry. "It's too early, we'll lose the baby"

"Harper will be at the hospital with a needle to reverse the effects," Wesley whispers, injecting Angela with Pitocin. "We need to do this, the plan's already gone off the rails with us not knowing where Mirana is"


Tim watches through binoculars as La Fiera leads Angela out of the compound with Wesley in tow before Wesley is led into a different car to Angela as the woman screams for him.

"Where the hell is Mirana?" Tim asks.

"She must still be in the compound," Nyla says. "From the looks of it, most of the compound's guards have left in those cars"

"Harper, go to the hospital," Lawrence says. "Tim and I will go and get Mirana"

Tim grabs the large gun from the back of the car before sliding a pistol into his waistband as Lawrence does the same. Once they have their weapons in place, they begin to run towards the compound as Nyla drives away in the car, heading for the hospital.

Tim pokes his head around the corner to see two guards standing outside a door, their arms folded over their chests. Tim steps into the corridor and fires two shots, nailing both men in the forehead and they drop to the ground.

"Alright, let's find Mirana before their backup appears," Lawrence says.

The doors that the men were guarding open to reveal a pale, sickly Mirana who crouches down and takes one of the men's guns, blood pouring down her left arm as she checks how many bullets are in the gun.

Upon seeing her, Tim sprints forward as Lawrence stays on guard, in case more guards show up. As soon as he reaches her, Tim scoops Mirana into his arms and the woman's head falls against his chest as her hand grips his t-shirt.

"The helicopter's outside," Lawrence says and the two men begin to run towards the descending helicopter. "I'll cover you, just get yourselves into that helicopter"

With Lawrence providing cover, Tim focuses on getting Mirana to safety, his every instinct urging him to protect her from any further harm. As they reach the helicopter, Tim helps Mirana inside before climbing in himself, never letting go of her hand.

Once they're settled, Lawrence joins them, his gaze sharp as he scans their surroundings for any signs of danger. With a nod from Lawrence, the helicopter lifts off, carrying them away from the compound.

"What about Wesley and Nolan?" Angela asks.

"We need to make another stop," Tim says.

"No more stops, we've already made two," Max says before Nyla, Tim, Lawrence, Angela and Mirana all cock their guns and point them at the man whose eyes widen. "We're making another stop"

Mirana closes her eyes as she curls up in Tim's lap, her hand gripping his t-shirt tightly, listening to his heartbeat.

"Hey, you can't sleep," Tim says tapping her face as Wesley and Nolan climb into the helicopter.

"Here," Lawrence shrugs off his jacket. "We need to put pressure on her arm or she'll bleed out before we can get her help"

"Mirana?" Nyla brushes the woman's hair out of her face. "I need you to talk to me, honey"

"Jackson murio," Mirana whispers but Nyla doesn't stop stroking her hair. "I watched Jackson die and then senti morir a mi bebe. What do you want me to say?"

"Anything," Nyla says, keeping her voice soft. "You can't go to sleep. I know how tempting it is but you need to stay awake. You're bleeding from your arm and there's a lot of blood. You know you can't sleep"

"Mirana, I need you to stay with us," Lawrence interjects. "I know it's hard, but you have to fight to stay awake. We're going to get you the help you need, but you have to stay conscious until then. Can you do that for me?"

"I don't want to," Mirana whispers.

"I understand, Mirana," Nyla says softly, her voice filled with empathy. "But you have to try. You're stronger than you think, and we're here to help you through this. Please, for all of us, for Tim, for Isaac, for Angela, for everyone who loves you, please try to stay awake just a little longer."

Mirana's eyes fall closed and horror washes over everyone in the helicopter as Tim gently shakes her. Her limp body rocks with each shake but her eyes don't open. Her hand falls from Tim's as the man frantically tries to wake her.

"Mirana?" Lawrence taps her face. "Mirana, you need to wake up now"

"Mirana, please wake up," Tim pleads, his voice quivering with anguish. "You can't leave us, not like this. Please, open your eyes."

Nyla's hands tremble as she reaches out to touch Mirana's face, her own voice trembling with fear. "Mirana, you have to fight," she implores, her eyes brimming with tears. "We need you. Please, don't give up now."

"Mirana, listen to me," Lawrence says, his tone urgent. "You have to wake up. We're going to get you help, but you have to stay with us. Please, Mirana, wake up."

All of the people in the helicopter look at Mirana whose head is hanging back over Tim's arm, her eyes firmly closed and chest barely rising.

"She's dying,"

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