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Tim stands greeting the wedding guests as Mirana holds Isaac on her hip, looking stunning in a form-fitting lilac dress with her hair pulled back into a bun with loose strands hanging around her face and golden hoop earrings in her ears

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Tim stands greeting the wedding guests as Mirana holds Isaac on her hip, looking stunning in a form-fitting lilac dress with her hair pulled back into a bun with loose strands hanging around her face and golden hoop earrings in her ears.

A smile forms on Tim's lips as he watches Mirana spin around with a laughing Isaac in her arms, the boy's little hands clutching the shoulder of her dress. He watches as Mirana greets Tamara with a smile and hug as the younger girl tickles Isaac's stomach, making the boy laugh loudly.

"Hey, J and I are gonna make sure Angela's not freaking out," Mirana says to Tim, handing him Isaac.

"What are you going to do if she is?"

"I'd normally advise booze but we'll figure it out," Mirana grins at Tim who presses a quick kiss to her lips.

Mirana pulls away and walks over to Jackson, looping arms with him as they walk towards the room where Angela is getting ready.

"Ange?" Mirana knocks on the door. "Jackson and I are coming in"

Mirana opens the door, only to find a gun pressing against her forehead before a man drags her into the room as another grabs Jackson. Mirana's eyes widen and a hand is placed over her mouth to muffle her worried cries for the bound and gagged Angela.

Mirana thrashes in the man's arms as they gag her and Jackson before tying their hands behind their backs.

"Make any wrong move and I'll shoot you in your pretty little head," The man whispers in Mirana's ear and the woman nods.

The three bound and gagged officers are escorted out of the back door to see a black minivan and a red car. Angela is loaded in the minivan and the man grabs Mirana's chin, forcing her to watch as Jackson struggles against his captor who is trying to force him into the trunk of the car.

A muffled, agonised scream escapes Mirana's lips when a bullet leaves the captor's gun, tearing through the upper left side of Jackson's back, most likely severing his aorta. Tears pour down Mirana's face as she screams for her friend, kicking and thrashing in the man's grip as he drags her towards the minivan.

Mirana is shoved into the minivan before being forced to sit next to Angela who looks at the door, clearly waiting for Jackson to be bought in as well. The older woman looks at Mirana whose head is bowed as tears drip into her lap and the cold, hard truth hits her like a slap in the face.


"There's no sign of them anywhere in the immediate area," Grey addresses the officers. "They've sent over the security footage"

Tim, with Isaac on his hip, Lawrence, Nyla, Lucy, Nolan and Sergeant Grey stand in the briefing room as Grey loads the security footage of the venue. They watch as Angela is dragged into a black minivan before Mirana and Jackson are led into view of the camera.

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