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Not All Alpha's Are Jerks

When i finally awoke we were moving. And in wolf form. My wolf had taken over, and we must have been moving for a while as there was no waterfall in sight, so i wondered how long i had been out of it.

Two days.

My wolf informed me. Two days!
We need to go back! I told her.


What about the pack?!.

They'll be dead. There's no point going back.

I was shocked that my wolf could be so heartless about the whole situation. We needed to go back. So i tried taking control.

My wolf growled and pushed me to the back of her mind. She had control of our actions and would keep it that way, it suited her plans better.

I stayed quiet, furious that she refused to let me have a say in our actions and movements. Thats one thing you never really learn when your a shifter, how to share one body when two souls inhabit it.

Suddenly my wolf stopped and sniffed the air.
What's wrong? I asked her, worried. She didn't answer, and just kept staring up at the small hill in front of us.

That's when I caught there scent as well.


Before we had a chance to run or hide, six of them appeared on the hill in front of us, all staring at us and one or two growling.
What do we do?! I asked alarmed.

We run. As quick as a flash we had spun round and were sprinting to the cover of the forest on our right. We were fast, and neared the trees quickly.
But so were they.

We could see them out of the corner of our eye, three of them running towards us and the other three sprinting to try to get ahead of us to try and cut us off. Suddenly my wolf veered left and spun round again, running back the way we had came. This caught all of the chasing wolves of guard and, as they were all bigger than us and not as nimble as us, it took them longer to slow and turn around to carry on the chase.

This went on for a while. Every time they would get near us, we would suddenly change direction, and they would have to slow right down to turn and carry on chasing. But no matter how many times we did this, they did not give up chasing us and, even though we had the advantage when it came to sharp twists and turns, they had the advantage when it came to speed. As they were bigger and had longer legs than us, they would close the gap we had managed to make whilst they were still turning pretty quickly, so it was just turning into a massive run around, and we were all tiring fast.

The chase went on until dusk, when my wolf and I, in our tired and still slightly injured state, let one of them get too close. Before we could do anything about it, we were pinned to the floor by a huge, panting, brown wolf. But then, just as suddenly as he had pinned us down, he let us up again. Confused, we cautiously stood up, but we were surrounded by the six wolves. At the head of the group, and standing directly in front of us, was a huge male silver wolf. He was clearly the leader here. He shifted and stood up.

"Shift." He commanded. My wolf just snorted at him, she had no intention of doing what he wanted.

"I said, SHIFT!" He shouted, using an Alpha tone. Still my wolf refused. Strangely, his Alpha tone had no effect on us.

The man sighed. "So first you give us the run around, and now you blatantly disobey an Alpha's orders." He stood and thought for a minute, looked at me, and then at the other wolves. "Bring her back with us, she will have to shift and talk eventually." He said to them, and he walked off, presumably in the direction of his territory.

Straight away, two of the wolves shifted and attempted to grab hold of my scruff to drag me with them.
No way was I having any of that.
As soon as they tried to get their hands near me, i growled viciously and snapped at their hands. One jumped back, but the other came right back and tried to grab me again.
Foolish man.
This time I did not snap at him, I fully turned my head and sunk my teeth into his hand. I tasted blood. He cried out in pain and cursed under his breath, but did not attempt to grab us again. My wolf was glad he had learnt his lesson.

I was escorted back to their territory angry and tired, my many attempts of escape having failed. But although I was angry, tired and injured, I was curious to see this territory. I had not recognised the scent or the Alpha, and I knew most of the Alphas and packs in this country having been an Alpha's daughter.

Not that I got to see any of the territory, as I was thrown straight in a cell.
A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late update and short chapter but I've been really busy lately and haven't really had much time to write, but because I did promise you guys a chapter within a couple of days from my last one so I uploaded this one. I'm hoping to have chapter 4 up within a week, and I promise that it will be much longer and much more detailed.
But anyways, until the next chapter, See Ya.

~Mol Wolf


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