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   Depression And Darkness

Darkness. That was my life now. Ever since that day, the day i was once again caught by my mate, Blake.

After we left Alpha Damien's pack grounds, he blindfolded me and gagged me and dragged me to my prison.

I live in a small, dark cell now, deep underground. I am kept in silver chains, exept from the times when i am taken out and tortured. They use horrible torture devices. Leather whips with a silver end, silver knives, silver knuckles that they put on there hands to punch me and big heavy boots with silver lined tips to kick me with.

They are here to get me again now. I think they are under orders from Blake to try and break me, but i will not break. Still, they try.

I am back from my latest beating. My body is numb. I no longer feel the pain. Pain is my friend.

He came to see me today, for the first time since he put me here. He was checking on my progress apparently, seeing if i was broken, ready to submit.
Having him here awakened my wolf. She was blazing with anger and fury and hate. Her power corsed through my veins and for the first time in a long time i founf the strength to stand. I let mt wolf take over and we pulled at the silver chains, ignoring the burning. We screamed and howled and snarled, threatening to kill. Blake and some gaurds rushed in and his face was shocked and maybe slightly sared at my antics, but he quickly masked his emotions and said to hos terrified gaurds in an icey voice,

"I thought you said she was nearly broken"

"S-she was, Most High Powerful Alpha." The poor guard stuttered, he was visibly trembling stood there in his Alpha's death glare.

"Leave." Blake said quietly, as if he was deep in thought.
The gaurds turned and started slowly filing out of the cell. But they werent going fast enough for Blake.

"I SAID LEAVE!" The guards jumped and ran of the room, pushing eachother out of the door.

Blake then turned his attention to me. He started at me and i matched his glare, not backing down. I saw his eye twitch, he was resisting the urge to destroy the room out of anger.

He circled me.
"Alice," my name rolled of his tongue and he reminded me of a snake "I wouldve expected you to do as you are told, be a good little girl and all that." He sneered.

"I will never submit to you, or any of your pathetic gaurds." I spat back at him.

He seemed taken aback by my fiesty reaction, but the eye twitch was back and i could see he was annoyed.

"Oh, and why, may I ask, not?" He was still scarily calm, but i knew this was just the calm before the storm.

"You know why, you killed my pack, threw me off a cliff and kidnapped me, again."

Suddenly his eyes turned black and he was stood so close to me i had to look up to see his face.

"Do not ever use sarcasm with me,"

I ignored him and carried on anyway.

"You are an ugly, pathetic excuse of an Alpha, you bully your pack and your own mate, you-"

I was cut off by a roar from Blake and suddenly a burning sensation in my face. I was on the floor and my nose was bleeding. I looked up and saw Blake walking away and laughing.

Suddenly i felt a rush of anger. I was sick of being beaten, i was better than that. I would not be treated like dirt anymore.

I stood up and with a suprisingly strong and clear voice shouted after him,

"You, Blake, are a coward, striking people down as soon as things dont go your way, you think you are big and strong and tough, but you are nothing. You hide behind your reputation and wealth and warriors, but if you were really as much of a tough guy as you think you are, you would not act the way you do. Tough guys stick up for what is right, fight for what is theirs and look after the people they love. That is not you. You are a bully. You fight for everything and intimidate people into giving you what you want. If you want to hit me again, go ahead, beat me as much as you like, but you will never break me, and i refuse to back down. I will fight you till the day i die, and i will make your life a living hell. That is a promise, and if you know anything about me at all, then you should know that i always keep my promises, and i never forget."

Blake just glared, his eyes blazing with anger, and something else that i could not name. Respect maybe? But it was gone in a heartbeat, and so was he stomping off down the hall.

I slumped back against my silver chains and wiped the drying blood from my face. My wolf and i felt satisfied at letting that all out. We needed it.


A/N: Next chapter will be in Blake's POV I think.

Until next chapter, bye guys.

~Moll Wolf

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