Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Love in the air? Well it is an enclosed space.

“Sherlock!” Sherlock glanced at John as they left the headmaster’s office having been thoroughly chewed out. Sherlock wasn’t bothered but John obviously was. Sherlock didn’t see why.


“You- You... you just ruined my perfect record! Now my dad will use it to get me to join the army!” John let out what could only be an angry sigh. Sherlock, in the weeks they’d known each other, had never seen John like this. Annoyance flashing through his beautiful blue eyes, cheeks flushed so they were almost red. In anger. Sherlock almost felt... guilty. He disliked it. Feeling emotions. They just got in the way.

“I’ve got better things to do than getting detentions! I need to go to university! Do you know how hard it is to become a doctor?! I need to be perfect.”

“John...” Sherlock frowned, glancing around. Pupils were beginning to filter into the corridor, the bell having rung for break. He realised it wouldn’t be best to make a scene.

“Don’t interrupt me! This is important, Sherlock! If you paid any attention to other people you would notice that some of us care about school and not stupid secret messages!” As John ranted Sherlock continued to look at the walls. he suddenly grabbed the older boy’s wrist, dragging him through the nearest door and slamming it behind him. It seemed to be a supply closet or something. Stationary and tools were everywhere on shelves, floor... everywhere. As a result there was little room forcing the two boys to stand rather close to each other.

“Why did you...” John trailed off, face scrunched up and an ugly scowl marring his rather splendid features.

Why was Sherlock thinking of his appearance in that way? He was so confused.

“Because I need to talk to you alone about the message with no chance of being overheard.”

“You need to talk to me?! About the message?! Really, Sherlock, did you pay any attention to what I said?! You’re a selfish bastard. Maybe they were right. You are a psychopath, sociopath, whatever. You don’t care about anyone! You can’t-”

A sudden urge came over Sherlock, a feeling he’d never felt before. It baffled him, beyond belief. Took over him. Maybe it was the tight space and close proximity of his and John’s bodies. He didn’t even realise what he was doing. The fifteen year old leant in, face inches from John’s.

Then before John could say anymore Sherlock moved closer. Their lips met. A kiss, if small. A light brush. Yet it felt right to Sherlock. Like this was supposed to happen. Sensations filled his brain. Things he’d never felt before. He wasn’t sure whether he liked it or not. All these feelings. What he was doing instinctively.

The contact lasted mere seconds but it felt like longer when Sherlock pulled away. It had been a spur of the moment action. He hadn’t even realised he felt that way about John. Wasn’t even sure he did. Not really. After all Sherlock hadn’t exactly had much experience with emotions. At all.

John appeared speechless, though, words evading him. That was good. Although he’d most likely question what Sherlock just did.

Because Sherlock wasn’t sure how John felt about it. Couldn’t tell. Something was messing with his brain. Ugh, emotions. Why had he gotten himself into this situation? More specifically, how? How had his brain suddenly conjured up feelings?!

“Sherlock... why did you...” John’s voice was quiet, trailing off. Sherlock noticed a light blush on his cheeks. He looked cute.

“I... it just felt right. You were so angry and I wanted you to stop talking...” Sherlock stammered, for once at a loss for words. He felt vulnerable and hated it. He just didn’t know what to say. His mind was fogged so he couldn’t observe as well as normal. Didn’t know how John felt, what he was thinking. Was worried. This must be what it felt like to be normal. How horrible, imagine feeling this way all the time. Controlled by feelings. “Was it bad?” Instinctive words.

“No,” John replied, his normal smile falling onto his face. “Far from it. It was brilliant.” John suddenly closed the distance between the two of them, crashing his lips against Sherlock’s. His arms wrapped around the taller boy’s neck and Sherlock felt his own hands move down to John’s hips. This felt perfect. Meant to be. Every touch... Sherlock had never felt like this. Well, of course he hadn’t. The kissed seemed to last for eternity. Peaceful. Soothing. Sherlock could almost sense his worries and doubts vanish if only for the time spent kissing. It was bliss. John comforted him.

And it was John that broke that second, passionate kiss. Sherlock almost felt hurt. Worried.

“Did I do something wrong?” Sherlock whispered, tilting his head in confusion as John chuckled lightly.

“Not at all, Sherly,” John smirked slightly at the look of horror on Sherlock’s face due to the nickname. “BUT you did drag me in her for a reason.” He moved his hand to playfully poke Sherlock in the chest, causing them to move further apart. Sherlock just wanted to pull John back into an embrace and kiss him for as long as possible. What he wanted to do shocked him. Things he’d only heard of. These situations where things he had never really paid attention to before. Love had been useless to the fifteen year old all his life. Well, more like it had been nonexistent. He wasn’t even sure if that was what he was feeling.

“Yeh I did... so?” John laughed again, rolling his eyes.

“So tell me what you wanted to say.” He put his hands on his hips, looking at Sherlock in a no nonsense manner.

“About the list and stuff?” Sherlock frowned, all the deductions that had temporarily gone away zooming right back. “Well... the message had to be for someone. This is bigger than I thought, John. Not just common school thievery. A proper case. Murders, maybe?” A light grin formed on Sherlock’s face at that prospect. “Something real fun.” John arched an eyebrow and Sherlock knew what he was going to say, ask. So he didn’t let him. “Thing is I need your help, John. Well I don’t really need it... I want it.” Sherlock bit his lip feeling nervous all over again. What if he had messed up? He had never been the best with sentimental words.

“I’ll help you,” John smiled softly without a second thought. “Add some fun to my last year of school. Though that was always going to be great when you joined the school.” Sherlock blushed, suddenly feeling embarrassed. Flustered about the sweetness in John’s voice. The... love? That was what it was called, wasn’t it? Liking someone as more than a friend.

“Thank you.” Sherlock’s words were genuine and he generally didn’t give thanks. Especially to small things like this.

“My pleasure,” John laughed lightly. “Hey we could make it into some sort of club. You know like the top secret ones in books? I used to pretend to be in one when I was younger.” Was John getting sentimental? Shrlock wasn’t sure but he went along with it.

“If you wish.” Sherlock didn’t really know what else to say.

“We’ll need a name,” John looked at Sherlock expectantly. Why him? He didn’t know what to call their group thing. Then it hit him.

“I’ve got one. The Sociopath Society.”

“What? Why?” John’s tone was sceptical. “I’m not a sociopath.”

“No, you’re not. That’s me. You’re society.” Sherlock shrugged, unsure if it was good or not. He couldn’t tell!

“I like it. Has a nice ring to it. The Sociopath Society, investigated unusual crimes.” A wide amused grin passed John’s lips before he moved in to kiss Sherlock again.

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