Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

He came up with a good idea?

Prelims came and went/ Sherlock took next to no notice of them. Because, of course, they were unsurprisingly easy. He would undoubtedly get good marks. Simple enough. There were now the proper exams in a few months to look forward to. Along with the nuisance of being constantly told to study. Sherlock had no need to! He knew it all already. Revision was so dull. Especially when there was a much more exciting task on offer.

“Sally can’t find her ring,” Lestrade walked into Sherlock and John’s room uninvited as he often did now. It was becoming some sort of habit. Since John had let him join the Sociopath Society and help. Ugh, why?

“Strange,” John was scribbling something down on a sheet of paper. “So, suspects? Could be anyone.

“Most definitely,” Lestrade closed the door behind him.

“It couldn’t be anyone!” Sherlock interrupted, rather exasperated. They were so stupid! It was obvious, obvious. “There are two main suspects for the new thieveries. James and Irene. So obvious. Even your tiny brains should be able to work that out!” Sherlock rolled his eyes and lay back on his bed. Eyes narrowing. Thinking.

“Is it definitely one of them?” Lestrade queried, dark brown eyes fixed on Sherlock. “Because I think that I have an idea.”

“Let’s hear it,” John perked up at that, Sherlock noted. He shouldn’t get excited. The idea would undoubtedly be a stupid one.  Stupid ideas from a stupid person.

“Well there is one place were the stolen items are most likely to be kept,” Lestrade began explaining. “Their rooms. Now Sally shares with Irene so I’ll get her to have a look about. For James... I can distract him by asking for help with revision or something and the two of you can sneak into his room. Look around a bit.” Sherlock let shock settle across his features. What Lestrade had suggested was actually a good idea! How about that... very interesting.

“That’s good, Lestrade,” Sherlock stood as he spoke. “Do you think we could do it now?”

“Now? What’s the rush?” Lestrade exclaimed, blinking rapidly.

“I need to complete this case!” Sherlock was getting agitate. Why couldn’t he just blindly follow through with the plan. No questions asked.

“Fine, I suppose so,” Lestrade sighed softly. “Wait ten minutes to make sure that I’ve got James away.” With a nod to them both he left the room.

“So this could be it, the conclusion to the case?” John put it so poignantly. What he said wasn’t exactly true, though.

“For the perpetrator of the crimes, yes. But I don’t think that this is it. Not until JM turns up. NO, I will continue playing in the game even after this.” Sherlock frowned slightly. “No, the thieveries are not the final problem.

“If you say so,” John replied, standing so that he was right in front of Sherlock. “Promise me that you will not risk your life for this? Not end up like Tom.” John raised one hand to touch Sherlock’s cheek. Sherlock tried not to look away. He couldn’t promise that. Who knew what could happen? Instead he pressed his lips against John’s. Hoping that that would suffice as a ‘promise.’

It was a soft, gently kiss. Slow and comforting. Brief. As they pulled away John broke eye contact to check his watch.

“Wow, that’s been ten minutes,” he gasped. “Let’s go check out James’ room!” The smirk showed that he would enjoy this. Sherlock knew he disliked James. Maybe even hated him with a fiery passion. So a chance to pilfer his room would not go unwanted.

“Yes, let’s go.” Sherlock smiled thinly, pulling on his coat and scarf. He didn’t care that their destination was just a few doors down the corridor. He wanted to wear them so he would. Ignoring the amused looks he got from John he strode out the door and towards James’ room.  The door was slightly ajar but no sound could be heard from within. The corridors were empty so it seemed that the coast was clear. Sherlock quickly slipped in, making sure that John closed the door behind them.

“Right you take one side and I’ll take the other,” Sherlock ordered before he began rummaging. He actually now doubted that the items would be in there. After all the last ones had been put in a specific place so they could be found only by deciphering the code. So why would they- oh... Well, that was surprisingly easy.

“John, I think that I’ve found them,” Sherlock announced as he pulled a small box out from under the bed, which he presumed was James’. The lid was open slightly, revealing a silver ring that could only be Sally’s.

“That was quick,” John frowned as he headed over to Sherlock.

“Too quick and too easy,” Sherlock mused, shaking his head.

“I’ll go get Mrs Hudson...” John made his way for the door.

“Wait, John,” Sherlock placed the box on the bed as he spoke. “The story is that I came to ask to borrow some of James’ notes and I noticed the box. I promptly told you and you immediately went to tell Mrs Hudson.” John nodded before swiftly disappearing from sight. Sherlock place himself by the door to wait.

He did not need to wait long. Soon Mrs Hudson had scurried in, exclaiming in shock as she examined the box’s contents.

“Why is everyone...” The word’s died on James’ lips as he saw Mrs Hudson holding the box. Lestrade had followed him in and there was gleeful triumph shining through his eyes. Sherlock had put on an emotionless mask. Showing nothing.

He was not as pleased as the other two (John and Lestrade) anyway. This still wasn’t over. JM had wanted those items to be found. Obvous. Something sinister was going on. All leading up to one thing. The fall. Sherlock did not like the sound of that one bit.

“You are in a lot of trouble, young man,” Mrs Hudson had rounded on James. “You are coming with me to the headmaster’s office this instance. You too, Sherlock.”

Brilliant. This was going to be a whole load of fun...

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