Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Dreading the holidays? What is wrong with you?

The months after their discovery, leading up to the Christmas holidays, were mostly uneventful. Sherlock had withdrawn back into himself with the claims that the case wasn’t solved. As a result he was barely sleeping and eating; only doing so when John managed to convince him to, which was rarely. Sherlock had also begun continually skipping classes. What baffled John was that he still achieved high grades in all his mini tests (which he claimed were pointless). But then again Sherlock was Sherlock.

The one good thing about those months was their visits to the clearing. John now ‘escorted’ Sherlock daily so he could smoke, which John had decided he was going to try and help Sherlock stop. John liked to think that it was then that he saw the true Sherlock. Almost vulnerable, really needing a friend. One who could actually hold a decent conversation. And was a damn good kisser.

The fifteen year old still hadn’t fully opened to John and he doubted that he ever would. John knew he liked him as more than a friend, maybe even loved him. Every time they touched it seemed like it was meant to be. John wasn’t sure if Sherlock felt the same way. Wouldn’t find out any time soon what with school breaking up for the holidays that very day.

But at least he had Sherlock’s phone number. They could keep in touch.

“Come on, Sherlock, Christmas can’t be that bad!” John exclaimed as the two boys walked down the stairs out of the school, suitcases rolling behind them. A light layer of snow coated the ground around them and there was a frosty nip to the air. Sherlock was wrapped up as warm as ever, breath curling from his pursed lips.

“I just don’t do Christmas. Never have.” John arched an eyebrow. He doubted the truth behind those words. He must have loved Christmas once, as a little boy! Unless he had had a worst upbringing than John had first guessed.

“Sure. Anyway you’ll be able to text or call me whenever you want! Maybe you could stay at mine after Christmas for a bit?” John suggested this with a soft smile, glancing up at the dark haired boy.

“Depends, I’d probably have to ask my parents... or sneak out...” Sherlock suddenly stopped where they were, half way down to the car park filled with parents and children, pale lips curled in barely concealed disgust. John followed the other boy’s multicoloured faze to where it seemed to be fixed on a man waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Early twenties, John guessed, with brown hair beginning to bald at the front. He held an umbrella in his right hand and a neutral expression on his face.

“Relative?” John questioned quietly as they continued to walk.

“Brother,” Sherlock grimaced slightly in reply before replacing it with a cold mask. John just nodded, stopping as they reached the man.

“Ah, dear brother,” The man smiled at Sherlock, so obviously fake. There was no love between these two, John could tell. Whether it had always been like that or not he couldn’t guess.

“Mycroft.” Sherlock’s tone was polite, more formal than normal, with ice coursing through it/ “Mother and father didn’t have time to collect their favourite son?” John tried not to laugh at Sherlock’s sarcasm. A talent that he had picked up from John.

“They are busy,” Mycroft replied primly, eyes flickering to John. “Who’s this?”

“John,” Sherlock snapped, folding his arms with a childish scowl.

“His friend,” John added with a slight, not quite genuine, smile.

“Friend?” Mycroft laughed in an amused manner. “Sherlock has no friends. Never has. I doubt he’s had a sudden change of heart.”

“Well he does have a friend now,” John retorted, running a hand through his blond hair. He could see why the two didn’t get on.

“Actually Mycroft is correct... for once,” Sherlock sounded so formal, full of himself, that John just wanted to slap him. Anyway, what was Sherlock saying?!

“I have no friends,” Sherlock continued. John bunched his hands into fists. That turncoat! “Just one, dear brother, just one.” Phew. John had though Sherlock had been about to completely disregard him as a friend. It was a relief when he didn’t. Although it was Sherlock so who knew what he thought...

Mycroft had arched an eyebrow, looking sceptical. John felt the urge to smirk but resisted. He glanced around, noticing his family not that far away in the crowd searching for him. Harry looked incredibly impatient. Grumpy. He better go join them. Stop their worrying.

“Sorry, Sherlock, I got to go. Text me, alright?” He smiled, beginning to head towards his family. “See you!” He shouted to Sherlock, waving and getting one in return. Then he was in his family’s line of sight and attached by a rather large hug from his mum.

“Hi, mum,” John smiled as he disentangle himself. He nodded to Harry, who was twirling hair around her finger. Obviously was staying over at their parents’ house and forced to come pick up her little baby brother. John almos laughed.

Then there was his father, a rather imposing man even if he was only of average height. His hair was darker than the rest of his family’s, his eyes as blue as John’s. A war veteran. Going back to serve away with the army after Christmas. He wouldn’t tell his family where he was going. John didn’t really want to know.

“Son,” he nodded in greeting, looking rather stern. “Still doing well? Good grade prospects? Set on going to university?”

“Yes, dad,” John replied, folding his arms slightly. “I’ve applied to quite a few universities and got replies from some. I’ll do my five years to become a doctor.” His father nodded again, a slight smile appearing on his face.

“If that’s what you want to do, son. But keep an open mind; you can always join the army as a doctor. Now... let’s go home! Loads of preparation is needed for Christmas.” John smiled, following his family towards their car. He was looking forward to Christmas, always did. But it wouldn’t be the same because he would know somewhere out there Sherlock would be having a rotten time.

God he already missed Sherlock and his strange ways.


Author's Note

This is going to be the last update, probably, on here for the next 8 or so days! I'm going away with school so I'll have no way to type anymore up. I will keep writing on paper, though!

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