Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Worker

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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Worker

The next day of school, I’m prepared for English.

I’m going to be his star worker whether he likes it or not.

I stand outside with the rest of the huddle of my classmates. Tessa and Aria turn up about two minutes before lesson, and are surprised to find me already stood outside the classroom.

“What early bird got you up and made you come here?” Tessa asks me sarcastically, and I roll my eyes at her. Aria giggles, and comes up with her own answer before I can reply.

“She’s here early to her favourite lesson to impress her favourite teacher! Karen wants to be teacher’s pet, that’s what!” Aria concludes, and I shake my head.

“That’s not at all what it is” I protest, but both Tessa and Aria look like they don’t believe me. Honestly, the lack of trust my friends have in me when it comes to my least favourite teacher is shocking.

“What is it then?” Tessa asks

“I want to be star worker, that’s all”

“Teachers pet” Tessa states, and gives a very loud cough after she’s insulted me. I think she’s confused about how that’s meant to work.

“I think he could be gay you know” Aria pipes up. Tessa and I chorus a “Who?” and Aria looks at us like we’re stupid. “I’m talking about Mr Floyd, obviously!”

“He’s not gay” I say, a little too quickly. Tessa’s eyebrows shoot up, and Aria giggles and I scowl “He’s just not; he’s not fabulous enough to be gay”

“Who’s not gay Karen?” Mr Floyd says.

I jump, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, because he snuck up on me and scared me.  Why didn’t they tell me he was behind me?! Tessa and Aria laugh at me, and even Mr Floyd cracks a smile.

“That’s not funny, don’t ever do that again!” I threaten, and Mr Floyd looks amused. His eyebrows are both raised, and he doesn’t seem as scared as he should be “I mean it, don’t do that!”

“I’m sorry Karen, I didn’t mean to scare you” Mr Floyd apologises, unlocking the classroom door. We solemnly march through, and I’m one of the first in, which seems to surprise my teacher.

“I’m sure you don’t mean to bore us all to death too Sir” Wade mutters as he walks past Mr Floyd and into the classroom.

“What was that Wade?” Mr Floyd asks, and I snigger. Aria joins in, because she heard it too.

“Nothing Sir” Wade says, grinning proudly at Aria and I.

Mr Floyd shakes his head but I think he decides to let it go. He knows this class is going to be enough trouble for him without any extra trouble. Besides, I personally think Wade’s point was well said.

We all take our seats, and I place my elbow on the desk and rest my head in my hand. Today’s lesson is going to be dull. I read the starter on the board, and sigh again.

‘What is the American Dream for the characters in the novel? Why do they want it, and what purpose does it serve for them?’

I jot down a few brief ideas. We did this task last lesson in more detail, and I know this starter is just a recap. I chew my pen again, and groan internally when I see Mr Floyd heading our way. He stands behind Wade, and looks at his unopened book.

“Sir, are you married?” Wade asks before Mr Floyd can speak.

“We can take about that later in your break Wade, now open your book and get on with the starter task” Mr Floyd warns, but Wade is feeling persistent today. I take my head off of my hand, and I sit upright, eager to see where this conversation is going.

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