The Final Grade

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The Final Grade

The rest of the night had gone peacefully. Aria had drawn at least six fully detailed sketches of Change and we’d decided on the one we both liked the best. We’d then considered other characters, and invented Bopsy the rabbit (who despite the girly name and incredibly cute appearance is actually an incredibly butch male rabbit who insists you call him Bop).

We’d also invented Change’s female counterpart, Cecilia the chameleon, who is determined to one-up Change any way she can. Both Aria and I realised that we’d need some new characters eventually, but it was more than enough for one evening.

Tessa and Ed had both given their input, but it wasn’t hard to see that they wanted their alone time. Eventually they disappeared off into Tessa’s room, leaving Aria and I to wonder if all the noise was because they were trying to conceive a twin.

We giggled a lot at that one.

Eventually though fatigue overcame us and we’d both drifted to sleep on either end of the sofa. It was a little squished, but it was well worth it to be close to one of my best friends again.

I wake up in the morning stiff though, and I gently slip off the sofa to avoid waking Aria. She murmurs something in her sleep that sounds a lot like ‘pudding’ and I chuckle to myself.

My throat is burning, in the most unpleasant way, and I shake the thought out of my head. I have absolutely no need to drink. I head to the kitchen, and pour myself a glass of some fizzy red pop. I head back into the living room, where Aria is staring at me, wide awake.

“What’s that? Is that wine? Wine at this hour Karen? I thought you were sorting yourself out!” Aria cries out dramatically, and I shake my head at her, an exasperated smile on my face.

I take a few steps towards her, and offer the glass out to her. She snatches it away like she’s saving my life, and sniffs it.

Her cheeks go red and her face becomes sheepish when she realises that it’s only pop. She takes a sip and giggles “Mm, its berry!” She declares, and I shake my head at her, giving her a gentle nudge before reclaiming my glass.

I take slow sips, and the glass is finished. I place it on the coffee table, telling myself I’ll move it when I stand up again. I sit beside Aria on the sofa, pleased to find she’s avidly drawing still. “This is amazing Karen, I honestly can’t believe my designs might be on television!” She squeals, and I laugh.

“What do you mean might? Once Richard Lake sees these he’s going to love them!” I tell her, and she beams at me.

“Well you and Tessa can get used to me being on this sofa. Freya isn’t home until four so I’m gonna stay here all day!” Aria giggles, putting emphasis on the word ‘all’.

“Fantastic, we’ve gained a squatter” Tessa chips in, and wanders through to us. She’s still in her pyjamas and hasn’t even brushed her hair yet. I can tell she’s just woken up.

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