Bronies | H. Mulligan

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Y/n's POV~

Ugh, I hate anything that has to do with clothes. But I have to go dress shopping with my best friend in all of New York Eliza Schuyler, soon to be Eliza Hamilton. We have to go to this boutique with Angelica, Maria, and Peggy (in this oneshot Alex never cheats on Eliza and Maria is Eliza's friend) and they all gone crazy in this place that has paintings of horses on every wall in the place, including the bathroom walls, gross. (actually I have a painting in the bathroom at my house) but what's worse is them talking about clothes like "does this color makes my eyes pop?" Or "does this dress look ugly?"

But I don't even care what I wear on a daily basis, usually a MLP shirt, and they are scaring me with all this "Y/n~ this blue dress will look so good on you~" . This is scaring me and they pretty much shoved three dresses and I in a dressing room and told me to try it on. But no one but I waited till the coast was clear and hid in the clothes rack with all the puffy dresses that are giving me allergies and waiting for episode of My Little Pony to load, oh my God, did I just feel a hand touch my kneecap? Ahh that's so creepy! Then I leaped out of the racks and I was ready to punch the sucker that touched my kneecap, till I saw a really tall guy, with a gentle expression, sorta like the "gentle giant" and the can except he wasn't green like Kermit the Frog.

"What are you doing in the clothes rack?"

"Oh I was calling my friend."

"You like My Little Pony?" He asked I didn't know what he was talking about since I wore my plain grey sweatshirt over my pinky pie shirt but I noticed my Rainbow Dash phone case I got for my birthday a month ago

"I'm with my niece and everyone forgot their phone except for her and I needed to call my friend so yeah."

Then my episode of MLP finally loaded and both of us heard,

My little pony, my little pony, aaaahhhhhhh...

Then I paused the episode and hung my head

"Fine, I watch a kids television show..."

"YOU DO! Oh my gosh someone that watches MLP that isn't a kid!!"

"REALLY?!? OH MY GOSH I'VE BEEN WANTING AN ADULT TO TALK TO ABOUT THIS!!!" I then hugged the man and I question myself and asked.

"What's your name?"

"HERCULES MULLIGAN!!! I mean I'm Hercules Mulligan."

"Bruh, bruh."

"Hey I told you my name what's yours."

"Y/n L/n."

"Pretty mane, I MeAN name." I laughed, at his adorable mess up. He's so adorable, what psh I'm not falling in love with him already, or am I?

"Why were you in the clothes rack? And why are you at my boutique?"

"THIS IS YOUR BOUTIQUE!!! Ohhhhh no wonder there's gorgeous paintings of horses all over this place." He blushed, wait did he just blush? Wait I feel like I'm heating up too,

"W...ell I ac...tually painted it myself, and my ma, was like," he then pulled his best sassy old lady voice

"Honey, you need to put these paintings in your boutique, 'cause I predict that a really pretty and sweet girl will notice them and tell you about them."

"Has a pretty and sweet girl notice yet?" He then rubbed the back of his neck and redden

"Actually yeah..." I sorta felt my heart shattered, wait do I like him?



I couldn't help but blush, I mean he just called me sweet and pretty...

"You know my Ma got something wrong about you...she didn't say that you'd look like an angel..." I feel my blood rush from all over my body to my face, but that was interrupted, by Peggy,

"Y/n their you are, we have been looking for you* do the dresses fit?"

I had no words I was so shell shocked by Hercules's complement but he had my words,

"You're friend actually request I make her a unique dress for her, because she felt as the others didn't fit her so well."

"Oh, well everyone is done dress shopping, so we're leaving Y/n."

"Oh thanks for telling me Peggers." I was sad that I was leaving.

"Bye Hercules!"

"Bye Y/n!"


Today is the day that Eliza and Alex will be united in holy matrimony and I don't have my dress that Hercules apparently made ''just for me''.


I'm walking down the beautiful garden it's an outdoor wedding, and I'm walking down the aisle with an Aaron Burr that is a friend of Alex's and go to the side and I left room just for Eliza to go, but once Angelica, Lafayette, and Peggy were done walking down the aisle I notice that there isn't a flower girl but a flower man, and WAIT IS THAT HERCULES MULLIGAN?! He took notice of me and smile and once he was done tossing, more like chucking the petals he came close to me and whispered

"Hey you have about five minutes till Eliza walks down the aisle, so go and get dress in those bushes behind you."

"With what dress? Beside the one I'm wearing."

"Here, take this." He threw me bag and I looked inside and chuckled at the dress,

"Thank you Hercules." I then kiss him on the cheek and he redden which caused me to redden to, but the audience just laughed and awed at the cuteness, but I pretty much ran to the bushes to get dress,


I look down at my dress to see a mermaid dress with Rarity, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, and Spike dancing on my dress (not literally😹though that be hilarious) but I finished dressing just in time for the "wedding march" to play


I'm pretty much alone drinking punch and rethinking life, till Hercules came to me

"May I have this dance?"


We danced for hours at a time, the night that I wish lasted forever

"How about next week."

"What about next week Hercules?"

"Maybe you can come to my place and watch some MLP on Netflix."

"And how about we stop at Starbucks after we finish watching MLP."

"Whatever you want Y/n."

Thank you for reading my silly oneshot and PLEASE REQUEST I have no life just request me anything, including Hamilton Cast


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