Chapter five...

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After punching him I ran out and pulled my phone out, I sent a quick text to Matthew.

Can I meet you somewhere I've had enough with my brother today?

I slipped my phone back into my jeans pocket and made my way to the park, once again sitting at the bench.

Man, how I wished I could still hear. I don't think about it that often but I can't help but feel my life would've been different any other way.

Before I could get too lost in my thoughts I felt my phone buzz, a text.

I'm at work right now you can come by*Random address for a lawyer* its floor 10 ask for Mr. Johnson

Will do thanks

I stood quickly and made my way towards the building using my phone for a map. I saw it wasn't too far from the park, which I was thankful for.

Reaching a very tall, expensive looking building I pushed through the revolving door. Noticing a rather cute looking receptionist and an angry looking one, I settled on the nice looking one.

Walking over I noticed a pad and pen on the desk, quickly grabbing it and writing 'Mr Johnson he's expecting me.' I handed it to the receptionist.

She said something and picked up a phone sat upon the desktop. She smiled, hung up and pointed me towards an elevator.

Level 10 was the top floor.

The top floor.

What does this guy do jeez...

The elevator stopped and opened up, revealing a small room with a desk with a middle-aged lady sat at it, and a big door.

I stepped out and made eye contact with her, she smiled and pointed to the door. I got the hint and slowly opened the door.

Greeted by Matthew, sat in a large black desk chair behind an equally as large mahogany desk, my mouth fell open.

He looked so professional, completely different from the park. He looked up and instantly the serious look on his face was replaced with a relaxed one.

'You okay?' I signed, walking over and standing by his desk.

'Yes just work, sit down.' He signed back.

I did as told and sat down on one of the brown leather couches, after a minute Matthew joined me. He had stripped off his tie and suit jacket, revealing his large arms from his shirt as he rolled the sleeves up.

Did it get hot in here? Damn...

I now noticed how large he was compared to me, I mean I know he is definitely older than me but still. His right arm was covered in a sleeve of intricate ink details, I wonder what they mean. They probably have some importance.

Looking up to meet his eyes I realise he has glasses on... holy fuck me.

His eyes widen and he grabs my face, shocked my eyes widen also, his thumb rubs under my eye. Wiping away... tears. I didn't realise I'd been crying. I reach up and push his hands away, I don't cry in front of people... it's stupid and no one really cares. I've also been told I look ugly when I cry.

I stand up and walk to the other side of the room, a large mirror hanging upon the wall. Looking at myself I sigh and realise just how much of a mess I look. I take off my beanie and ruffle my curly hair with my hands, I wipe my eyes and dry my face with my sleeves, I look to see Matthew looking to me with sympathy.


No I don't want that...

Please don't look at me like that... please.

"Stop." I whispered, most likely just sounding like a breath. Matthew looks shocked, he must have heard me.

"I'm sorry." He spoke, slowly.

I turned to him, sighing, I look at his desk and rush to grab the pen and a plain piece of paper.

I write furiously.

'Please don't look at me with sympathy. I don't want it, not from you not from anyone. You looked at me like I was just another regular person earlier, don't change that.' I handed him the paper, I watched as his eyes scanned the words, his lips moving slightly as he read.

He placed the paper down and smiled down at me, moving around the desk he sat back down and pulled out his phone. He typed and soon after my phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it from my pocket I saw a text from him.

Matthew - Can I ask why you wanted to see me?

I sighed softly and sat down on the edge of his desk.

Me - My brother has been distant and then tried to care all of a sudden just pissed me off

Matthew - Oh okay... I'm hurt you didn't want to see me...

Me – sorry Matthew

Matthew – its okay no worries

Me – I'm sorry for bothering you

Matthew – you're not I was having a stressful day but you seem to brighten my mood

I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I read this. I turned to see him smirking at me, I hopped off the desk and walked around it, his eyes following me, I sat on the desk again but this time nearer to him on the side he was.

I watched as his eyes travelled down my body, to my arms, legs then back to my face.

'You're beautiful' he signed, placing his phone down.

'What are you tattoos?' I wondered. They are really cool, I want some.

"It's a wolf head then shaping into a forest and river." He said and I had a hard time reading since he was looking at his arm.

Reaching over to touch and trace the lines, I moved a small hand over his large arm. I traced the lines of the ink, smiling softly to myself.

This is probably really uncomftortable for him...

I should stop...

Come one just move your hand away from his arm...

I pulled my hand away, slowly trailing back down his arm.

I could feel his gaze on my face as I looked back up to meet his eyes.

I couldn't look away...

He grabbed my hand, pulling it up to his face...

He kissed my hand...

My heart stopped.

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