Chapter thirteen...

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"I should probably go." I said, cautiously. Joshua's brother had caught me kissing him.

How am I supposed to react to that?

"Yeah I think you should. Get out." He said, folding his arms over his chest. The others, his friends I guess, had moved further into the room still silent. Joshua slid off the counter and to the fridge.

"Well..."I spoke, looking to Joshua who was pouring a glass of juice.

"No, no excuses get out." He said angrily.

"Just listen." I said, annoyed, the glare I shot all of them said everything. "He comes to my office when he's fed up of here. We talk and we don't worry about what's going on elsewhere."

'I need to get back to the office, I had fun last night.' I signed to Joshua. I watched his brother's face grow slightly red in anger. Oh... I mean... oh who cares.

'Okay, thank you again.' He signed.

"See me out?" I asked. He nodded, I let him lead me out, he came outside with me.

He shuffled on his feet nervously.

He met my eyes with burning cheeks.

Grabbing the collar of my shirt he pulled me into a kiss, I let my hands naturally fall to his hips.

We broke apart and I walked over to my car, I waved to him as I got in.

The drive back to the office was boring and fairly quick. I made my way to the meeting quickly, a new client who is mad about our services... even though we won the case.

It took around 20 minutes to get the man to drop the suing but he didn't leave without trashing the room with the papers. People annoy me infinitely.

My smile had faltered as soon as I had to leave Joshua the first time but my frown deepened as I saw a letter from my father.

Sighing, I opened it already anticipating its contents.


Your mother is worried for you. She fears you will be alone and wants you to know that she has arranged many wife, and husband, candidates. Your mother tells me you haven't replied to any of the offers, so she is taking this as you have met someone. I too hope you have someone, I wish for you to have someone pretty to hang off your arm. We are aware your preference for men so she has even looked at husbands but you have not replied to them either.

Please respond with whether you have found someone, your mother is very persistent. I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.

Also, we are expecting you home for Christmas this year, with or without a date. No exceptions, your mother missed you last year. We know you haven't been home since Markus and Sasha died but we are all expecting you back, especially Thomas.


Mr. Johnson

As formal as ever... that's my father in a nutshell.

I have thought about it, taking Joshua to mine for Christmas. But I don't even know what we are let alone if he would want to go to my family home together.

I sighed again, writing out my reply. I simply stated I might bring someone to Christmas and that she should stop setting me up, they can make of that what they wish.

I wish I knew more about him, god I would love to hear him talk more. Not that I don't like him already but the few softly spoken words he does say occasionally are said in a voice that perfectly fits him and is full of emotion.

I feel bad but I know he can be happy, I don't know if he knows but there are procedures that can be done depending on what type of deafness he has. Depending on whether he wants it I would quite happily pay for the procedures.

I couldn't stop thinking about the fact my father had mentioned them, even after a little over 6 years it still hurts. I blame myself for their deaths...

If I hadn't gone and gotten drunk they wouldn't have come to pick me up...

Wouldn't have been them getting hit by that god damned truck...

It should've been me...

Let me explain the basics.

6 years ago, I was 18. My brother Markus, he was 21, told me he had started to date Sasha, my best friend from the summer camp I went to most years. I know I completely overreacted but it was a stress filled time for everyone, I was on the verge of not getting into uni and then he tells me that. It was the last straw, I went out. I went to every bar I could find and drank their strongest. I was stopped when one of my dad's friends, a bar owner, spotted me and called him. Markus and Sasha came to get me but... on their way there was a truck... it was out of control, the brakes weren't working. It should've been me in that car, I wasn't supposed to drink, I was only going out to clear my head. I took dad's car, they used mine... I knew my car was broken, I had yet to take it to the mechanics.

The truck, practically crushed them.

6 years... 6 years and I still hate myself somuch. I lost my best friend and brother, and a close friend. In those 6 yearsI've rarely seen my family, I don't contact them but I might go this year.Thomas needs his big brother, he lost just as much as me that year. Thomas was11, now 17, when it happened but I took it the worst out of the whole family. Markuswould be mad at me if I hadn't followed my plans so I continued to become alawyer and build up my own firm. 

It was the least i could do...  

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