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"Magcon Cameron Dallas?!" Anna asked, trying to make it clear to herself because she doesn't believe me.

"Show us," Cristin demanded, not believing me either.

"He said he wants to get the old Magcon together and that if he succeeds, he wants us to join the tour " I told them handing them my phone. I don't believe it either.

"Do you know what this means?" Analicia asked.

"We're going on tour," I answered with the biggest smile on my face. I cant believe this is actually happening. We've never really met any of our fans, except for the times they come up to us when we're in public. And now we're going on tour with Cameron freaking Dallas.

"I'm going to be on a bus full of hot boys!" Cristin shrieked with excitement. We all decided to ignore her comment.

I text him back.

Vicky: Thank you so much for this opportunity. Would you like to meet up sometime to discuss the details?

He replied almost instantly.

Cameron: Can we meet tomorrow? Over coffee?

Vicky: Yeah, that'll be perfect.

"We're meeting him tomorrow over coffee," I told them finally entering the house. Today's been a long day.


"Hurry up! We're going to be late," I said waiting for Cristin at the door with Anna and Analicia.

"I'm sorry that I'm the only one who cares about how they look," Cristin slid past us heading towards my car.

I locked the house door as they wait for me to unlock the car. When I do Analicia sits in the passenger seat while the other two sit behind us. I pull out of the driveway and drive down the street, waiting for Analicia to give me directions to the coffee shop 'Coffee Klatch' we're meeting Cameron at. We've never been there before. We usually just stick to Starbucks.

We arrived at the coffee shop in less than fifteen minutes. Our laughter fades when we park. As slow as we possibly could go, we finally made it in front of the entrance. We stop. We're all to nervous to go inside. I finally had the courage to open the door. As soon as I do so, the AC kicks in. When we are completely inside, I spot him immediately. He is wearing a cap and sunglasses, but I know that's him. I stood frozen in my tracks. The girls must've noticed, because they did the same.

"Let's stop wasting time and go," Cristin said pulling me. The rest followed.

As we arrived at his table, he stood up to greet us. He hugged us all. He reaked of cologne, but I loved it. We pulled away and I glanced at Analicia, she was already smiling and shaking her head. She knew what I was thinking.

"Thanks for meeting me," Cameron says smiling, motioning for us to sit down.

"Thank you for contacting me," I said taking a seat.

"I asked you guys to come here today because, like I said, I want to bring the original Magcon back together."

"Okay. So . . . what's the plan?" Anna asked nervously.

"Uhh," Cameron said, chuckling. "I've already texted a few of the guys. Few have accepted and most have declined," he continued, frowning a little.

"Who accepted?" Cristin asked smirking. We all know what she's thinking about. Can she be anymore boy crazy?

"Shawn, Sammy, Johnson and Gilinsky."

My heart skipped a beat. It's pace then quickened.

"Wait," I said, pausing so I could get my thoughts together. "Gilinsky agreed?" I asked confused.

"Yeah," Cameron said before pausing. "That reminds me, Madison is joining us."

"Oh my god! Why didn't that bitch tell me," Cristin started clapping her hands in a cheerful manner.

"Why did the other boys decline?" Analicia asked. She's probably sad that Nash said no.

"Nash's fiancé is pregnant and he doesn't want to leave her at the moment. Hayes wants to be there too. The others didn't give me an explanation." he shrugged.

"When will the tour start?" I ask.

"Does that mean you're in?" Cameron asks excited.

"Hell yeah!" Cristin agreed for us.

"Awesome! It starts next month. Well, I have to go. I have another meeting,with the boys."

"Why didn't you combine the meetings?" I asked him. Curiosity is overwhelming me.

Cameron winks, but then changes his expression, making it impossible to read his mind. Why did he wink?

"Yeah. It would've saved you some time," Cristin said, her famous smirk making its return.

"I want to capture the moment you guys meet again. You know, for YouTube," he says as he is getting up. "Good talk girls. See you later."

We all hugged him goodbye and decided to stay a little while longer.

"Why did he wink when I asked why he didn't combine the meetings?" I asked. Curiosity is still coursing through me.

"He probably thinks that you're still in love with Gilinsky," Analicia dragged on the word "love".

"Whatever, i'm over it," I leaned back in my seat.

"I'm pretty sure he thought Madison would make a big fuss about nothing like she normally does. I guess he doesn't know you guys are friends now. I still find it weird," Cristin said looking at her nails. "We didn't even order coffee," she continued laughing.

"I'll go order. Come with me," Anna told Cristin. Getting up from their seats, they headed toward the cashier. In ten minutes they come back with our drinks. Of course they get me an iced caramel macchiato.

"Thanks," I said mixing my drink. "I'm still super confused about the whole Gilinsky thing."

"What's there to be confused about?" Cristin asks taking a sip from her drink.

"Why did Johnson and Gilinsky agree to go on tour with us. They just finished their recent tour a month ago."

"I don't know." Anna shrugged. "They probably miss being on stage. Whatever the reason is, don't question it. At least your favorite is going unlike Analicia and Cristin."

"True. Okay i'm ready to go," I stood up and checked the time. "Jane the Virgin starts in an hour."

"Let's go! I don't wanna miss it!" Analicia rushes out the coffee shop, heading for my car. We all giggled and followed her.

Once we arrived at our house, we headed straight for the living room. We all sat down getting comfortable, waiting for the new episode to start.

"Did Cameron follow you guys on Instagram?" Anna asks, showing us that he followed her.

"Yeah. Since yesterday. That's how he contacted me," I answered.

"He followed all of us," Analicia changed her position on the couch, taking off her shoes.

"I don't feel so special anymore." Anna slouches in her seat.

"Speaking of people following each other, did all the other boys follow you guys?" I asked scrolling through my phone.

"Yeah," Cristin paused, then continued. "But Gilinsky didn't follow me."

"Same here," Anna replied.

"Double that," Analicia continues. "Guessing he didn't follow you either? He will soon." she feels bad. We are so close.

"Actually," I said. I paused and showed them my phone.

"He followed you and not us?!" Cristin said with that famous smirk of hers making a reappearance. "That's so not fair. His girlfriend is my best friend. Rude," she jokes. I raised the volume once Jane the Virgin started.

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