Chapter 20: Everything will be okay...I promise.

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***im sorry its so short, i was gone all weekend and didnt have time to add anything but i wanted to get a chapter out for you guys, so i hope you enjoy this small filler type thing***
2 months later-
I have been trying to avoid this get together with my family for the past month, Jeffrey brought it up once in a while wondering when it was going to happen, but all I said was soon, which led to weeks and now months. Jeff was leaving again not to film but for WSC Atlanta, it's this huge convention for The Walking Dead, so if this dinner was going to happen it needed to happen now. "Jeff?", I yelled for him as he was laying on the bed reading a book. He was shirtless, leaning his back against the bed board with his glasses at the edge of his nose, super sexy. "Yeah Em?", he calls back. He slowly took his pair of glasses off from his nose and bit the end of it. "No no, put them back on, you're so hot with glasses", i say as i walk into the bedroom. He just smirked at me. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?", i ask. He shrugged his shoulders. "Jeff, seriously what the hell?", i shout. "You know why", he says glancing back to his book. I looked at him clueless to the conversation. "You need to make those dinner plans, baby", he said. I just stared at him. "Im leaving tomorrow night, so it has to be today", he says with a stern voice. I still said no words. "I'll give Cathy a call", jeff said reaching for his phone. "no stop no, I'll do it", i ran towards him slapping his phone out of his hands. He smiled at me with the expression 'i won again' face. I just flipped him off. "Hey, thats my thing...flipping people off", he laughs. "Thats not only what your finger is good at", I smirked. "Ou baby, such a dirty girl", he groans.
I called my mom.
"Hey ma"
"Hello sweet heart"
"I was wondering if you,dad and and Colton wanted to come over for dinner tonight?"
"Of course, what time darling?"
"7 it is"
"Alright mom, see you soon"

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it?", jeffs gloats. "Stop", i said staring at him. He walked up to me and wrapped his long arms around my torso. "Aw baby you know im only joking", he hugged me. "I know", I pecked him on the lips. Jeff cooked some steaks and mashed potatoes, i made the salad...pretty much the only thing i can make without fucking it up. This one time i messed up boxed brownies, like how the fuck did i manage to do that. I heard a knock on the door. I took a deep breath in. "Emma, breathe out. You have to breathe out", he laughs. "Seriously not the time for jokes", i nudged him. "Everything will be okay, I promise", he says swinging the dish towel over his shoulder. I opened the door, and there stood my parents and my little brother.

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