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Chapter Five: Scars

Did I say something stupid?

There goes one more mistake.

Did I bore you with my promise?

Is that why you turn, away?

Do you know how hard I try to become what you want me to be?


It was Saturday, and Matt said that it was a "free day" for everyone. Apparently, a "free day" according to everyone is "do whatever the hell you want" basically. Or, that's what Rosalie tells me.

So anyways, everyone went to go do . . . well, whatever they wanted to do.

Zach decided to go to some party. Arianna bet Sam that she could take him in three seconds flat, and so they went, to the training room. For some reason, Arianna goes to the training room a lot. Rosalie decided to have what she calls "beauty day." I guess she was doing a "at home spa" or something like that. Winter was in the piano room, making new songs, I guess. Spencer and Sara went on a shopping spree, saying that they "were out of clothes." I snorted when they both said that. I mean have you seen their closets?!?! They're huge! And every inch of it is filled with clothes! They don't need anymore! Anyways, back to the point. Matt had to do some Alpha thing, and I was the only one who decided to roam the city.

I was riding a white moped I borrowed from the pack and went into town.

I didn't really know what I was going to do once I got into town, so I decided that I was going to let the moped take me wherever.

I rode around until I found a small bookstore.

I parked my moped in front of the bookstore and walked inside the store. The bell on the door chimed. I jumped, startled by the noise.

The bookstore wasn't like Barns and Nobles. No, it was way different from it.

The bookstore was a small, two story with bookshelves filled with books and books and books. The floor was made out of stone, and there was a wooden stairwell that went to upstairs. Basically, the whole place looked like it was going to collapse in any second. Yeah, it was that bad. There were cracks everywhere, the floor, the ceiling, the wall, the bookcases, etc . . .

"Hello?" I say. "Is anybody here?"

I started to walk through the isle of the bookstore. "Hello?" I say again, wanting to see if anybody was here.

I took a small glance at the stairs, it looked like if you walked up the stairs, you'll enter a room full of darkness. I really hope there's not a dead body up there. 'Cause if there is, I swear on my grave, there better not be one.

I walked down another isle of books and bumped into a brick wall.

I almost fell, but someone caught me by the waist. "Whoa there!" The person said.

"Thanks," I said and looked up, and -- OH. MY. GOD. Standing right in front of me, is a guy that was all muscled built. He was pale, had dirty blonde hair, and grey eyes.

"Anthony is anybody down there?" An old man's voice asked.

Anthony sighed and turned his head over his shoulder and yelled, "Yes, Grandfather!"

"Okay!" He yelled back. "You don't have to yell, you know!"

I laughed and Anthony let go of me.

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