Chapter 4

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Boom. Crackle. Boom.
The sound of the storm increases significantly and we can hear walkers around us. The door of the barn we found shelter in flies open allowing for the undead to enter. There are tons of them around us. Rick is on his feet along with Daryl trying to shut the door but the force of it all is too strong. I tighten my dark ponytail, the only way I wear my hair, and rush to help. Soon enough everyone has their backs and hands against the door as we hold it there for the entire night. When the storm calms we are able to get the door to stay shut and have some peace of mind.

Before all of this business, we were walking down that endless road and even ate dog... not exactly my cup of tea but this was survival. We had been walking for hours when I saw something in the road. I ran to it leaving the group to ponder. It was jugs of what I would assume was water with a note.
-from a friend

Feeling paranoid I called for Rick and the rest of the group who hurried over. I felt as though we were being followed and the group agreed. Abraham decided, even against Eugene's objection, to not drink it as it could be a trap. So we left it. Thankfully it started raining and we were able to get water. The storm got too out of hand and well, here we are in this barn that Daryl had found.

A ping of uncertainty and fear strikes in me. I can feel it in my stomach and I can feel it in my bones. But I'm not sure why. I'm laying in the barn now almost drifting off when I hear a bunch of commotion. I join the rest of them and see a strange man tied on the ground.
"What the shit." Is all I can manage to say. He's talking about some camp and something ignites in me as I approach.

"Who sent you! Where are you from! How did you find us!" I scream a million questions at the man who just stares blankly. The group is dumbfounded that I'm so heated over this.

"My names Aaron. I'm from a group and we'd like to possibly take you in. I see you received the water but chose not to take it, which is understandable."

"What group!" I yell franticly

"Alexandria. It's a sanctuary I- I have photos in my bag. The left pocket just pull them out." Daryl searches his things and finds the pictures as well as some clothes and a flare gun.

   "How many of you are there?" Rick asks
shutting the barn quickly after peeking out.

"Just me and one other."

"Bullshit!" Rick spits out at the man.

"It's true we have a vehicle just up the road. We want to take you back with us. You're the type of people our group needs."

"Well let's just check it out" Michonne suggests

"Are you crazy!" Rick shouts. "We don't know him or his intentions."

"I agree with you Rick. We don't know their intentions but we gotta try." I explain siding with Michonne. We begin to get a group together and Rick threatens to Aaron if we aren't back in an hour he's gonna kill him, causing Aaron to shift uncomfortably.

When Aaron's story checks out we agree to join him and head to this camp. I've been through these parts before on my way down south and have never heard of this group so I grow suspicious but it subdues when we arrive. I read the sign.

-mercy for the lost, vengeance for the plunderers-

We hear children laughing and playing and it calms my nerves. Maybe we've finally found ourself somewhere safe. We are told we all have to meet with a woman one by one named Deanna. She's the woman in charge of this place. I prepare myself, as of course I'm going in first. I look nervously at Rick who gives me a somewhat reassuring look. I'm escorted into a study and notice a camera.

"What's with the camera?" I ask

"Oh, I hope you don't mind. We like to record all audition interview tapes."

The woman explains. She seems sweet, but those are the ones you usually have to watch for.

"Please take a seat, make yourself comfortable." She says turning the camera on.
I look at her like she has two heads. Make myself comfortable? After everything I've gone through? I decide to stay standing and pacing around.

"So what's your name and how old are you?"

"Kendall Brooks. I must be at least 21 by now."

"Okay it's lovely to meet you Kendall, and what were you before all this?"

I think for a moment.

"A starving artist with little talent and no inspiration." I explain as she looks at me curiously.

"And your group, how long have you been with them?"

"A few years by now."

"Wonderful and what do you do for your group? What makes you productive."

"I usually keep watch and do supply runs for the group. I'm not great with kids but have watched Judith before. I can clean, can't cook very well though."

"So you haven't been with the group from the start, so where were you before then."

I can feel myself tensing up, this is starting to feel like a therapy session.

"I- I was- I" I begin to stutter and choke on my own words like an idiot. I take a moment to compose myself.

"I was mainly alone. I was with my family at first but left to find sanctuary from all of this. I started in Pennsylvania and made my way south where I found them in Georgia. I found a few groups between then but that's about it." I try to be vague.

"Well thank you Kendall and I think you're going to make a great part of the community." She says letting me leave.

After everyone had gone through the process we were accepted and given two homes side by side for now. But all of us stayed in one home and took turns watching every night. 'Maybe this is good for us' I think to myself. I see Daryl is awake and approach him.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

"It's late."

"I know but, you haven't talked to me recently and-"

"Maybe tomorrow." He says just wanting to end this conversation. I sigh in defeat and he notices but says nothing more.

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