Chapter 16

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Stock·holm syn·drome
feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor


It's been days since Negan has come back to see me. Or has it been a full week already? It seems I've lost count. I feel as though I'm going crazy from the loneliness.

Where is Rick?

Has he got a plan?

I can't lose my sanity, it's what Negan wants.
I lay around and begin to think out loud. I try to assure myself Rick is coming for me. But then a thought crosses my mind.

The spare key.

When I worked for Negan he would always keep a spare key taped under his drawer in case of emergencies. Maybe if I can get Daryl out of his cell it can get them one step closer to me. I stand to my feet and walk to his drawer.

Sure enough, it's there. I grab the key, a piece of paper, and a pen. I begin writing a note to Rick. I know this is a terrible idea deep down but I don't care. I'm beginning to get in too deep and I fear I may fall to Negan again.

Dear Rick,

I feel as though I am losing my sanity. I am hoping by sending Daryl home and helping him escape it will get you one step closer to me. Please don't lose hope. We've defeated people before and we can do it again. Try to get everyone you can involved.
Start Planning.

His numbers are high and the odds are against us but our determination and willpower is always one step ahead of his. On the back I have drawn an outline of the layout of the sanctuary and where I am. He's keeping me locked up in his room. I'll do as much as I can to get out on my own but it is difficult because I constantly am under his supervision.

Xx Kendall

I draw the outline and fold the letter. I then open the door looking both ways before exiting the room. I shut the door behind me and move quickly but quietly. I hide in dusty corners and behind paint-peeling walls. I cautiously move down the steps, sweat beads collecting on my forehead. My heartbeat is so loud I can hear it faintly echoing in the stairwell. I finally arrive in the frigid basement and walk to the cell room. I was never really put in one of these, but I know they are disgusting and dreary. Terrible enough to drive anyone to insanity.

I knock quietly and try to open the door but of course it is locked.

"Daryl? It's Kendall."


"I'm gonna get you out. And you have to run, get to Hilltop."

Silence. I fear he may not hear me. I look around and sure enough hanging from a nail right next to the door is the key.


I grab the key to open the door and my heart sinks. I see Daryl laying vulnerable in a corner. The stench overwhelms me as we make eye contact. His eyes look broken and his body weak.

He squints slightly and looks at me as if I am a figment of his imagination.

"Daryl you need to go. Now." I say looking around fearing someone may come this way. He stays on the floor for a second. He's lost in a daze.

"Daryl please!" I whisper shout as he shakes his head.

"Yer real?" He asks standing up shakily. His voice dry and hoarse.

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