Chapter 27

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I gingerly slide my fingers through the folds of the note and begin to open it. My heart racing at what it could possibly say. I finally get the letter open but my vision blurs too much for me to see the words. I blink a few times and begin to read to myself.

Dear Kendall,

I have always thought of you as a sister. Ever since the day we've met. Sure we have butted heads a few times here and there but that's just what siblings do. I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye in person. I'll always remember the laughs we've had and all the memories we've shared. You know what's happening isn't right and you seem to be the only one that sees it. You're the bridge between Negan and my dad. You're the only one who can bring them together. I know you see what Negan truly is behind his evil attitude. Do what's right and I'll be with you every step of the way. My mom used to always say I'd beat this world, but now it's up to you to do it.



"Oh Carl." I whisper as tears drip onto the note. I carefully wipe them making sure not to ruin the letter.

This needs to end, and I need to be the one to end it. But I'm not sure how.

"SAVIORS!" Someone screams from across the room as we all jump into action. I tuck the note into my boot praying it doesn't rip or tear.

"You need to hide." Maggie orders from behind me.

"I want to help!" I argue.

"You can help by hiding let's go!" She yells and I give in. I follow her upstairs and am shuffled into a room with other hilltop residents.

"Stay here, make sure everyone is calm and safe." Maggie orders handing me a gun. "Just in case." She says before running off.

Hours go by before anyone comes in to tell us it's safe to come back out. I look around for sign of any faces I recognize.

I see Maggie and Michonne and approach them for any details.

"Everything's fine now, they retreated." Michonne explains putting a hand on my shoulder. "We should all stick together just in case!" Michonne announces to the group.

"Everyone pick a spot on the ground, Kendall take first watch." Maggie orders as I nod. After everyone is fast asleep I lay wide awake.

I'm glad Maggie asked me to take first watch because I wouldn't have gotten any sleep anyway.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the sound of someone walking down the stairs. They fall face first and then sit up. They let out groan after groan and that is when I realize, they are turned.

One after another they start walking down.

"WALKERS!" I scream trying to awake everyone around me. I kick Daryl slightly in the side and he gets up with a jump.

"WALKERS!" I yell again as everything breaks out in chaos. Daryl pushes me behind him as he kills a walker that was sneaking up behind me.

"These aren't strays, these are our people!" I yell in shock as we begin to kill each one. One after another they fall.

"Some weren't bit!" A woman close by yell.

"It's only the people who were injured." Maggie notes as the hectic night soon settles.

"Maybe they got an infection?" A hilltop member cries out.

"Maybe they dipped the weapons in walker blood." Michonne says in horror as everyone agrees her theory is the most likely case scenario.

For the rest of the night nobody batted an eye. We collected the dead and arranged them to be buried.

After the aftermath we all take a short time to heal and mourn for those we have lost. I read Carl's letter to me for maybe the hundredth time. I'm interrupted by Rick entering through the gates.

"What's that?" I ask Rick referring to the paper he holds in his hand.

"A plan, Dwight just brought it by. Showing us where the saviors are planning to attack. I've gotta get everyone together. We are going to end this for good tomorrow."

Rick, Daryl, Carol, Tara, Maggie, and I, along with a few others, sit together in Gregory's old office.

"Dwight just brought over the saviors plans. Negan wrote this up. We can finally end this." Rick explains sending the plans around.

For some reason I get a ping of uncertainty in me and I'm not sure why. I look at the plans and they are clear as day.

"This ends tomorrow. So let's start grouping. Daryl, Carol, Maggie, and Tara you'll come with us. Kendall I want you to stay here with everyone else and-"

"What no! I have to go. I have to be there." I argue.

"No way." Maggie said, "too risky. You may get in the way."

"What do you mean too risky and I'll get in the way?" I snap growing irritated. "Ever since I've been back I have been treated differently. I haven't been of use. If this is truly the final fight I have to be there. It's... it's what Carl wanted. He said so, in... the note." I plead choking on my words as my face sinks. Rick's does too at the mention of Carl.

"It's fine, I'll switch with you. I'd prefer to be here anyways." Tara offers. "She deserves to go." Tara adds looking around at the disapproving looks she is receiving.

"Fine, you can go. But you're staying with me." Rick says giving in.

"Thank you." I sigh, relieved. But the relief doesn't last as my mind wanders yet again. I need to fill Carl's last wish, I can't let him down.

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