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after school the next day, i decided to hang around. audrey was staying after for math or something and she asked if i could wait for her. i guess after we're going out to dinner. in all honestly, i liked being at school after hours. it was quiet and very peaceful. 

and peace and quiet is just what i need these days. joey has decided to get back together with tori, so they're now officially a couple. and i haven't said anything to anyone because i don't want to seem like i'm making a big deal about this, but, i wonder how long it is until one of them cheats on the other. i'm guessing it's going to be about a week and a half, since that's how long it took joey to get tori back.  

i pushed open the doors and walked outside. i saw the wall that everyone sits on in the morning, and walked over to it. standing in front of it i placed my hands on the top of it, then, lifted myself up and sat down. 

it was actually a pretty nice day today. the sun was shining, it wasn't too hot, or too cold, there was a tiny bit of wind blowing, it was pretty much perfect. why couldn't my life be like this? why couldn't it be not filled with so much drama? and joey wouldn't be with tori. 

why can't my life be perfect? why does joey have to be with tori? why can't he be with me? i have so many questions, that i don't know the answers to.  

"avery?" someone said, snapping me out of my thoughts. i looked up and saw zach walking out of school with a red nike bag in his hand.  

"hey," i said as he started to walk over to me, and i chewed the inside of my cheek.  

"what're you doing here?" he asked and set his bag on the ground.  

"waiting for my friend," i answered. "what about you?"

"lacrosse," he said.  

"you have practice?" i asked.  

"no, i thought i'd go shoot a couple before the football guys tear up my field," he said and chuckled. football. joey. ugh dammit. i ran a hand through my hair trying to forget joey.

zach stared at me and i looked back at him raising my eyebrows, "sorry, i just, you look really stressed out," he said.  

"i am," i said.  

"is it joey or something?" he asked.  

"sort of," i said.  

"you can tell me," he said and leaned his lacrosse stick against the concrete wall.  

i sighed, "it's joey."  

he nodded, "you still like him?" he asked and i nodded.

"it kind of sucks, liking someone you know would never like you," i said.  

"i know how you feel," he said and licked his lips. "we all want something that we can't have... but that's life."  

"wow, that's deep," i said. he chuckled and i smiled.  

"you want to go back to the field with me?" he asked. "it helps if you're with friends at a time like this."  

"why not," i said and hopped down from the wall.

i pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted audrey i was in the back of the school, on the turf.  i slipped my phone back into my pocket and zach pulled open the fence for me, and we walked in.  

"i've never been on the turf before," i said.  

"really?" he asked as he spun his stick in his hand. "it's like my second home to me. i practically live on the turf," he chuckled.

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