Chapter 19

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"You think they're going to make a move soon?" Rachel asks.

"I got someone else in the tower on watch, hopefully we'll see em comin if they do. An i wanna get men out on the roads. We gotta make sure they don't send a herd in none a the communities directions," Daryl says.

"Well i've got Saviors covering the roads to Hilltop and the Sanctuary." Simon nods. "Nothing will get through there without my say so."

Daryl nods, running his finger over the map laid out in front of them. "What about the Kingdom?"

"Hilltop's got that covered," Dwight says. "I just sent men out to watch the road to Alexandria."

Negan stands there with his arms crossed. He looks down at the map with a frown. "That doesn't cover this though." He points at the map. "What's to stop those fuckers cutting through the green areas?"

"He's got a point," Dwight agrees. "If they know their way well enough, they could cut through any one of these woods and be all over our communities."

"Ain't much we can do bout that. I could put men out there every few miles, but we need all the men we got here."

"Well hopefully the men on the roads would hear them coming, even if they're deep in the woods. I mean, if they're lugging a herd big enough to do damage to the communities, they should probably hear them," Rachel reasons.

"Alright. We wait it out. Have people sleepin in shifts," Daryl says.

"I don't like it," Negan mumbles.

Daryl glances at Negan, appearing briefly irritated. "I don't like it either, but that's where we are." They all nod in unison before heading off towards the others. "Hold up." Daryl takes his backpack from his shoulders. He pulls out a small gun and a box of bullets. "Don't make me regret this," Daryl says as he hands it to Negan.

Negan stares at him, his mouth agape. He reaches out his hand, taking the gun from Daryl and tucking it into his belt. "I won't."

As Negan heads off with Simon and Dwight, Rachel places her hand against Daryl's shoulder. "Thank you."

Daryl shakes his head. "Don't thank me yet. I ain't happy bout it. But he did save our asses earlier. I still ain't entirely convinced it weren't just for show. Either way, he's earned a gun, for now."

Rachel nods. "Have you heard anything from Alexandria?"


"I hope Gabe's okay," she worries.

"I'm sorry bout earlier. Not wantin ya to go check on him. I just need as many people here as i can get, and you're one of the best."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Rachel teases.

"I mean it. Merle would be proud."

Rachel smiles, having not thought of Merle in a good while. "Thanks."


Rick closes the gate, glancing cautiously at the Savior who had accompanied the men from the border.

"Do you have blood supplies here?" Siddiq asks as he steps off the cart.

Rick opens and closes his mouth, unsure how to answer. "I'm not sure. We used a lot on Gabriel. I guess it depends on their blood type."

Siddiq nods. "Well we're gonna need a lot."

"I'll donate." The Savior steps from behind the cart.

"What blood type are you?" Siddiq enquiries.

"O negative."

Siddiq smiles. "It's a shame we didn't know that beforehand, we could've done with stock piling."

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