Chapter 23

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It hurts, an ache so deep she's sure she's dying. As her eyes slowly open, she hears the constant beep of what she assumes is a heart monitor. She looks up at the ceiling, unsure of her surroundings. Is this heaven? She wonders. Her hands feel warm, and as she looks down at them, she sees fingers draped over each one. It must be heaven, in what other world would these two men sit amicably together?

"Negan," she croaks. His fingers curl tighter round her hand involuntary at the sound of her voice.

Negan grunts, seeming to swat at an invisible fly before his eyes open. "Rachel? Rachel!" He smiles, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "Oh, Rachel." Negan strokes her hair, grinning from ear to ear as he feels her breath against his cheek.

Rachel feels Daryl's hand squeeze hers tightly before be let's go. "It's good ta see ya awake, had us worried there." Daryl smiles.

"You did," Negan whispers, stroking her cheek. "I fucking love you, i'm sorry i didn't say it sooner, i'm a fucking idiot."

Daryl leans back in his chair, looking away a little awkwardly.

"I love you too." Rachel smiles, kissing the blade of his nose. "I'm hurting though," she adds with a wince.

"I'll go get Carson, see if he can give ya somethin." Daryl rises out of his seat and heads for the door.

"I mean it, baby. I'm not gonna mess around anymore, it's just you and me from now on, i fucking promise you."

"I'll hold you to that." Rachel smiles. "Shit!" She winces as she shifts uncomfortably on the bed.

"Hey, just take it easy, baby."

"Is it over?" Rachel asks.

Negan looks down at her, thinking how Beta is in the next room. "Yeah, it's over. Eugene's leading the herd away."

"Did Gabriel make it?"

Negan chuckles. "Christ, look at you. Just woke up, and you're only worried about every fucker else." He nods. "Yeah, he's gonna be fine, thanks to you."

"Good." She smiles.

"There's a shit load of people outside waiting to hear if you're okay. Simon and about ten other Saviors amongst them. You're more popular than i ever was." Negan smiles. "I'm kinda jealous."

"Are you and Daryl okay?"

"Yeah, we're not hurt," Negan says.

"That's not what i meant, i mean with each other."

"Well, i don't think we're ever gonna be fucking besties. You're never gonna find us braiding each other's hair and shit. But i can stomach him.. just about." Negan chuckles.

"I heard my patient's awake," Carson says with a smile. "And i heard you're hurting."

"Yes, it hurts like a bitch." Rachel frowns.

Carson nods. "I can give you something for that, should ease it off a little. What you need, is plenty of rest."

"I can handle that, i'm pretty tired," Rachel says.

"Well i'll just do some quick checks, then you can sleep to your heart's content." Carson smiles.

"I'm just gonna step out for a sec, get some air," Negan says. Rachel nods at him with a smile.


"Hey, Gabey boy, how you doing?"

"I'm pretty out of it. The Doc gave me some really good painkillers."

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