Chapter 3

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You all waited for sundown before getting out the RV. The guys slowly got Maggie and the mattress out the vehicle while Eugene talked to Rick, you weren't sure what they were saying, but you heard something about building bullets.

A few minutes later Rick, Abraham, Aaron and Sasha were carrying each side of the mattress as you and Carl walked out in front, killing any walker you came across.

"Relax. Just a few more miles." You heard Aaron say as you slammed your knife through the temple of the walker in front of you, glancing back to the group making sure everything was okay before you continued walking. 

Carl slowed down his pace so he could walk next to his dad and you figured he wanted to talk to him so you continued walking a few metres in front, your knife out ready. You zoned out to their conversation, trying to stay focused on clearing a path for Maggie and the others when whistles started echoing throughout the woods around you.

"Go! Go!" You heard Rick shout as they picked up their pace catching up with you as you all rushed through the woods trying to get away from the Saviours.

You pulled your gun out from your belt as you continued to run along side Rick and the others when out of nowhere car lights turned on around you, blinding you for a split second before you realised you were surrounded.

You spun around, your gun aimed up as you tried to find a way out of this shit hole. But there wasn't one. There were people surrounding you from every angle, all holding some type of weapon and that's when you spotted Eugene sitting on the ground on his knees. You glanced over at Rick who looked absolutely terrified and you knew you were screwed. You just hoped like hell that Daryl was away from all this shit, that him and the others had gotten back to Alexandria safe.

"Good. You made it." You heard a familiar voice say and you turned around to find the man with the moustache walk out from behind the RV towards the group. "Welcome to where you're going. We'll take your weapons. Now." He ordered pulling out a gun and aiming it at Carl.

"We can talk about it." Rick said, trying to sound strong, but you knew he was scared. You were terrified. The Saviours outnumbered you six to like 50 and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.

"We're done talking. Time to listen." The man responded when suddenly people began taking your guns. You didn't fight when a man took your handgun from you grip, there wasn't any point.

"Okay. Let's get her down and get you all on your knees. Lot's to cover." The man stated walking back around to the front of your group as Saviours began walking towards Maggie.

"Hold up. We got it." Abraham stated glaring at them.

"Sure. Sure." The man replied and you watched helplessly as Rick and Abraham moved Maggie off the mattress and onto her knees. You looked over at Rick who stood back up, leaving Abraham on his knees with Maggie as he looked around his group. "Gonna need you on your knees." The man said again taking a step towards Rick. You dropped to the ground alongside Abraham as you looked over at group watching them all do the same.

"Dwight!" The man shouted catching your attention as you looked up to find a man with blonde hair step forward. That's Dwight. That means Daryl didn't kill him. "Chop-chop."

You watched as Dwight nodded turning towards the back of a van as he opened the door, but you couldn't tell what was inside.

"You got people to meet." Dwight said as he pulled someone out of the van and you froze when you realised it was Daryl. He had a blanket wrapped over his shoulders, but what really caught your attention was all the blood along his shoulder and neck which you hoped wasn't his.

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now