Chapter 5

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Jesus showed you his trailer. There were two beds and couch with a fold out mattress. Jesus insisted for you to take one of the beds, but you couldn't do that. This was his home, so you took the fold out couch along with a pillow and blanket he gave you. The two of you sat there and talked for a while. You told him what happened with the Saviours and how Negan took Daryl.

He then changed the topic to something lighter and asked how you and Daryl met so you told him about Maggie's fathers farm and how you stumbled upon it with Sophia. Jesus in return told you how he found Hilltop, Gregory was running it before he even got there. He said he found it hard getting close to people when he first arrived at the Hilltop and you understood that. You were scared to get close to Ricks group when you arrived at the farm, not wanting to get attached to people again. Even after a few years at the Hilltop he told you he still found it difficult to get close to anyone, neighbours, friends, boyfriends. You smiled when he said that, happy that he came out to you even though the two of you barely knew each other.

Jesus promised he would talk Gregory into letting you all stay before he left the trailer to go find Maggie and Sasha. Once he left you climbed onto the couch, folding the blanket over you before managing to fall sleep.


"Y/N wake up!" Sasha shouted causing you to quickly sit up in bed looking around for the sudden danger, but you all you found was Maggie and Sasha looking through the small window of the door. Wait is that music playing outside? It's the middle of the night, what the hell is going on?

"The gates are open. There's fires. The music is coming from a car. The door is locked." Sasha explained as she tried yanking on the door handle. You glanced around room trying to look for something to help. There had to be another way out of here. You thought to yourself when your eyes landed on the small window on the roof. Perfect.

"Help me with this." You said grabbing one of the chairs as you climbed onto the table before standing on top of the chair as you opened the small window above you. Sasha held the chair steady as you lifted yourself up onto the roof. You could hear Maggie and Sasha talking back in the trailer, but you zoned them out as you took in the scene in front of you. There was a car in the middle of the yard where the loud music was coming from along with a few fires around the area drawing walkers into the community through the open gates. I need to close those gates first, we can deal with the music once the gates are shut.

You jumped down from the roof and ran towards the walkers that were entering the community. Pulling your hunting knife out from your belt you began stabbing the walkers one by one, wishing you had your bow with you.

You kicked the walker in front of you to the ground when another grabbed your shoulder. You quickly spun around about to the stab it when an arm blocked you and you realised it was Jesus.

"Human. Not dead." He shouted over the music and you gave him an apologetic look before you stabbed the walker coming up behind Jesus. "Thanks. We need to shut the gates, can you handle these walkers while Sasha and I get to the gates?"

"Yeah, but what about the music?" You shouted glancing towards the car when you spotted Maggie reversing the tractor towards it. Well that's one way to shut the music off. "Never mind. Go!" You shouted before turning back to the walkers near you, gripping your knife tighter.


When the sun began to rise Jesus, Sasha and Maggie went to go talk to Gregory about why he didn't help last night and to get him to let Maggie stay. You didn't go with them into the Barrington House or mansion as you referred it to. If you had to listen to Gregory say more shit to the four of you then you would knock him out. Instead you helped the Hilltop's workers who were dragging the walker's bodies into piles and burning them.

You're Not Alone Pt. 2 ( Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now