Chapter 6

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You woke up to the sun shining through the curtains of the spare room in the mansion at Hilltop that you and Daryl slept in last night. Jesus let the two of you stay in there, figuring you both wanted some privacy even though Gregory wasn't too happy about it.

You sat up in bed to find Daryl still sleep and you smiled at how cute he looked. He must have been so exhausted, you doubted he got much sleep at the Sanctuary which is what Negan's base is called apparently and you were right, his base was at that factory you saw.

When you and Daryl were lying in bed last night he told you a bit more about the Sanctuary and how Negan ran the place. He had an army and he had workers. There was no way Alexandria could fight against them, even with the Hilltop you still wouldn't have the numbers.

"Mornin'. What ya thinking about?" Daryl asked in his sleepy voice and you smiled forgetting how sexy he sounded like that. You looked down at Daryl as he rested his head in your lap letting you play with his long hair. Man, you had missed this.

"Just trying to think how we are gonna beat the Saviours." You replied softly, running your fingers gently through his hair as he closed his eyes with a soft moan to indicate that he heard you.

"What's on your knuckles?" Daryl suddenly questioned opening his eyes as he held your other hand in his and you completely forgot about the blood on your knuckles from your visit to Alexandria. "What happened?" He asked, clearly connecting the dots as sudden anger washed over him at the thought of someone fighting you. He sat up on the bed next to you, still holding your right hand brushing his fingers gently over your cut and bruised knuckles.

"I punched Tobin." You stated with a shrug as Daryl looked over at you through the strings of hair covering his face. "He was saying shit about how you were probably dead and that it was a waste of time for me to try find you. I guess I just kinda snapped and I punched him... twice."

"Twice?" Daryl questioned, his tone sounding surprised yet proud and you laughed softly but nodded.

"Punched him in the jaw and then I might have broken his nose." You said with a hint of remorse. Tobin wasn't a bad guy, he had never done anything bad against the group and always helped out around the community. But he shouldn't have said what he did. You looked over at Daryl who was watching you with a small grin. "What?"

"Nothin'. Just reminds me of the time back on the farm when ya joined the group. Ya were the first woman to stand up to Shane. I remember him yelling at ya expecting ya to coward away like all the others, but ya didn't. Ya stood your ground and shouted back at him and I could tell ya wanted to punch him." Daryl explained with soft chuckle but before you could reply someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, it's me, Jesus. I'm making breakfast in my trailer. Come over when you're ready." Jesus shouted from outside and you smiled.

"We'll be there in a minute." You shouted back as you began to climb out of bed and Daryl groaned. "We can't stay in bed all day." You replied glancing over at him as he leant back against the bed rest, the blanket covering his body sliding off exposing his bare chest and stomach. You bit your lip stopping yourself from smiling. You've been with Daryl for years, but you never get tired of that view. Although the bandage over his right shoulder bugged you. You knew Dwight shot him and you doubted the Saviours would have taken care of the wound properly. He told you that the doctor at Hilltop took a look at it and that it was healing nicely but you just hated the thought of Daryl being shot.

Looking away you walked over to the small bench and mirror taking your oversized shirt off, that one of the Hilltop women gave you. It was a comfy shirt and went down to your thighs, perfect for sleeping in. You began grabbing your tank top about to put it on when suddenly Daryl was standing behind you, his hands slowly tracing your stomach. You looked over at him through the mirror and he was staring at your stomach which was covered in your old scars and fading bruises from when the Saviours had beat you that night. You could see the frown on Daryl's face and the sadness and guilt that was shining through his eyes.

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