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I was sitting at the island eating my cereal when joey came out of his room and started serving himself some aswell . I didn't even want to look at him , my heart was shattered like this bowl that I'm about to throw at his stupid big head .

" so , how did you sleep last night "

I didn't answer .

" hello ? I asked a question ? "

I still didn't even bother . That's when I felt two arms wrap around me , I don't need this right now . I got up and walked to the trash to throw the rest of the cereal away and put the bowl in the sink . He just stood there and looked at me doing everything so angrily , I stopped and looked at him . I cant do this , I feel so hurt and so used yet I still don't hate him .

" Callie baby what's wrong ? " he said , sympathy filled his voice .

Bullshit . I just stood there and stared at him , tears started filling my eyes while I just stood there and looked at the only person I thought that loved me and I feel so stupid for even thinking someone ever could . He walked closer to me with his arms out to give me a hug , no stop . Don't touch me .

" Joseph stop " I said pushing him off of me and backing up .

" why , what did I do ? "

What the fuck ? How dare he even ask me that .

" what did you do ? Oh I'll tell you what you did , first you pretend you wanted me again after all these years only for me to go and find out that you've only been fucking with my feelings like if my heart is a fucking sex doll dammit ! You've had me out here looking absolutely stupid and I honestly do feel so , fucking , dumb ! I hate you but I hate myself even more because I know it's impossible to hate you , I want nothing to do with you Joseph . I'm gonna try my hardest to let myself hate you . You mean nothing to me you fucking asshole ! " I said pounding in his chest . My face was hot and red and tears were just constantly falling out of my eyes .

He tried to restrain me because my force just kept getting harder and harder . He finally got me in his grip and wrapped his arms around me , god he smells so good . I grew weak and I didn't even want to stand anymore ,I slowly fell to the floor still in his arms . gosh this felt so nice but I know he doesn't want me and I know he doesn't even love ,e like he says he does , I also know that he probably wants Lexi over me any day and that's what breaks my heart even more .

" Callie baby - " I scoffed and stood up .

" no joseph done Callie baby me , you know what you did and you know how much you just shattered my heart "

" will you let me explain ? " he said , so much sympathy in his voice .

" if its just an excuse I don't want to hear shit " I crossed my arms trying to control my tears .

" look , I don't know who I want alright ? me and Lexi used to date or whatever but that's over now , yes I do this she is hot and yes I do want to get back together with her Callie but then I met you , when you started talking to me again I felt as if all the bad karma was lifted off of my shoulders because all I ever wanted was to talk to you again . I cant get enough of you Callie . I love the way your lips feel on mine and I love your soft skin . youre my everything , literally and I wouldn't trade you for the world . Callie , I love you . "

" bullshit get out "

"w-what ? " his eyes widened .

" id rather..." deep breaths Callie , in and out .

" be with... " there was a big knot in my throat . I hate him . I hate what he did to me .

" just say it god dammit Callie ! "

" id rather be with carter joseph ! " I said breaking down . he just looked at me with hurt eyes .

" carter ? " his voice got low , I closed my eyes trying not to look at him .

" get...out " I said not making eye contact with him , I was looking down at my fuzzy socks the whole time .

" fine you know what !? be with carter ! id never treat you the way he did and I never have and you know that Callie ! if you want to be with the person that - " he breathed and stopped himself whilst wiping the tears away from his face .

" fine Callie , ill leave "

by that time I was nonstop crying , my heart is actually broken . he was walking towards the door , no baby please don't go . I walked to the living room going to the couch hoping he would call my name , nothing , the door slammed and my baby was gone . I put my face in my hands and cried it all out hoping everything would be okay even though I knew it definitely wasn't .

god Callie you're so stupid , you let him make you look stupid . you said you'd be with...carter rather than joey... what the fucking is wrong with you . I put on my aesthetic playlist and stared at the ceiling in my room and dozed off the sleep .

" please don't wake up tomorrow " I whispered to myself .
who the fuck is carter ?

I luv u ; joeybirlemWhere stories live. Discover now