part 4

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olivia's pov
a week later

"how?" joey laughs and i cross my arms

"you've climbed up before, hurry before my parents come" i put my hand out for him to hold

he grabs my arm and lifts himself up my window, i back away and watch him climb into my room, i turn to check if my door is still looked. i look back at him and he's standing in front of me

i smile and he smashes his lips on mine, i wrap my arms around him as he pushes me on my bed. his hands grip my hips and a moan escapes my lip. kissing him was different, it wasn't like any other guy i've kissed

his kisses were deep and passionate and i loved it, the way his lips perfectly curve and the way he takes control over it. i pull away and smile

"what?" he furrows his brows

i blush, "i don't know" hes makes me so happy i'm just to scared to tell him

"i love you" he whispers

"i love you too" i reply, my heart beating faster when he looks into my eyes, a smile forms on his face

he licks his lips and smashes them back on mine, he smiles against the kiss and i cant help but pull away and giggle

"i cant even kiss you without freaking out" he says and i nod

"same" i agree

he looks at me a little longer and says, "are your parents sleeping?"

"i think my mom went to the fair, but dads home but he's clueless and never comes in my room" i reply and he chuckles

"that's good" he says

"it's great" i smile

he shakes his head and leans back into my lips, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls himself closer to me

i hold his jaw and pull his face closer to me to deepen the kiss, i wrap my legs around him and start lifting his shirt up, he looks at me before pulling it off and throwing it on the floor

"have you ever done this?" he ask me

"d-done what?" i furrow my brows

"sex" he breaths

"no" i shake my head, i wasn't even thinking about having sex with him. it's a bit soon but if it makes him happy than i'll do it, "you?" i ask

"yea, twice" he replies and i nod slowly feeling a little insecure, he's probably so embarrassed right now

what if he sees me differently now? no. i shouldn't be thinking like that. it's normal to be a virgin even though he isn't

"do you want to?" he ask

i don't know what to say, i stare at him for a couple of seconds and look at my front door, it's still locked.

"do you?" my heart beats a little faster

"i'm asking you" he breaths

"i'm scared" i admit and he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead

"we don't have too, i understand if you think it's early" he says

"no i do" i say and he furrows his brows

"are you sure?"

"yes" i sound desperate

he blushes, his hands grip around the bottom of my shirt and slowly pulls it off of me and throws it on the floor as well

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