part 6

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"where are we?" i ask joey when we climb up a steep hill, my legs are killing me from all this walking

"just come it's beautiful" he gives me his hand, i hold his and he pulls me up. when i climb up my foot stumbles on a rock and i almost fall until joey grabs me

"my gosh" he breaths

"sorry i didn't see" i giggle

"be careful" he puts his hand around my bottom back to make sure i don't fall

when i look away from him i notice we are at another mountain but this one was beautiful, the sunset just making it even more surreal

"wow joey" i hold his hand

"beautiful isn't it?"

"very" i smile and he walks over to a big stone, he lets go of my hand and climbs up it, he gives me his hand again after and pulls me up

"don't fall please" he says and i roll my eyes

"don't fall" i mimic him and he laughs

"how do you even find these places?" i ask, he seems to know the most beautiful places on this planet

"when i'm bored i like to look around" he says

"so i'm guessing you're always bored?" i joke and he chuckles

"my friends are stuck up and i hate hanging out with them sometimes, plus i always like being alone and finding new places people don't know of" he answers "it's beautiful and adventurous"

"oh adventurous?" i raise my brow

"yes, you wouldn't know that though" he pushes my shoulder and i swat his hand

"how many other places have you discovered?" i ask out of curiosity

"a lot, so many beautiful places i've found" he tells me

"well, will i ever see them?" i smirk, he must know so many other places

"yes, one day" he replies

"schools starting soon" i remind him knowing that we won't be able to see each other everyday

"i know" he squeezes my hand, "i'm not going"

"what? you're not going to school?" i stare at him, he's got to be joking

"i dropped out" he tells me and my jaw drops

"you're lying" i gasp

"i'm not" he laughs, "everyone has the same reaction when i tell them"

"why did you drop out? did your parents allow you too? joey how could you drop school?" i have so many questions

"i dropped out because... i hate school and it was just a waste of my life, my dad let me drop it" he responds

"well what are you gonna do without a high school diploma?" i ask

"why do you have so many questions babe?" he looks at me and my heart goes soft, i love when he calls me that

"i'm filled with curiosity"

i watch him stare into the sunset, i watch his eyes roam the sky. his jaw clenches when i put my hand on it

"so what's so special about this place?" i look at him, his eyes already on me

he sighs, "nothing really i just wanted to bring you here"

we both stare at each other then laugh, "being with you is special enough" he says and i kiss his cheek

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