05.|| Shawn

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I turned back around, to see a smiling Taylor. He leaned in for a hug, and whispered "You can't just walk away." in my ear. I laughed, and tried to make it look casual. I would get so much hate, if people figured out I knew him.


He picked me up bridal style, for a picture. Once he set me down, I started laughing. He came up behind me, put his arms around my waist, and put his chin on my shoulder. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"I don't know...but when are we going to hang out?" I smiled.

"How about...like 2ish?"

"Sounds good to me." I spun around and smiled.


"Shut. Up." Blake said, stopping right in front of me as we were about to get in the car.

"What?" I stopped and laughed.

"Explain this." She said, holding her phone in front of my face. It was on Instagram. There was a picture up of Taylor and I from when he had his chin on my shoulder, and was hugging me from behind. The caption said: "Who is this girl? Fan or something more?"

I laughed. "Who took that?" I asked.

"Some fan there." She said, narrowing her eyes.


"Don't just 'so' me. He doesn't do that with any of the other fans. What's going on? What aren't you telling me??"

"It's nothing I said..."


Cam started to feel...sick. She was really sad, but needed to go home. So it was now just Blake and I.


Blake dashed ahead, to get some Chipotle before going up to our room, and I stayed back and walked.


I was looking down at my phone(The pink IPhone 5c) checking through my Instagram feed, and walking, not feeling like stopping to sit. I also wanted to go up and see Taylor...


As I was walking, I didn't realize that somebody else was too. We collided, and I fell down. "I'm so so sorry!" I heard someone say, as I was brushing off my pants. I could barely hear them though, it was practically a whisper.

"It's fine." I said, as I smiled and looked up. "I'm Shawn." He said, sticking out his hand. I shook it and smiled. I'd saw him today, but didn't really know him.


"Alex." I said, laughing.

"You're Taylor's friend...right?" He asked. So he knew.

"Uh..yeah! I didn't know he said anything.."

"He's been talking about it non stop."

I blushed. "Oh."

He blushed too.

"Yeah...do you...want to hang out?" He said, looking down. I loved how shy he was. It was adorable.

"Sure! My friend's getting Chipotle, so I guess she won't mind."

He just smiled as I pulled out my phone and texted Blake.

To-Blake: Hey...I know I said I'd meet you at Chipotle, but...I ran into someone...I'll catch up with you later? Oh! And what's our room number?

Blake: 342, and you have so much explaining to do.

I looked up, at the chipotle stand, and there she was staring at me.

To-Blake: Sorry😂👋

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