13.|| Breaking

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The car had crashed. A truck had come speeding through and didn't see us. It hit head on. I'm surprised I didn't die. Our car flipped over and rolled three times. It caught on fire. It almost exploded. I almost died.


I woke up in the hospital room. Alone. I could barely remember what happened. Oh my god, Matt! What happened to him...


The doctor soon came in with a chart. "Where's Matt?!" I quickly asked.

"Calm down, Miss." He said, lightly pushing me back on the bed.

"You were lucky. Very lucky. You only have a broken rib. You'll be out of here in a few days, but if you'd like you can go see him."

I didn't waste any time. I hopped out of the bed, and fast walked to where he pointed to Matt's room.

I walked in, and felt my heart brake.

He was hooked up to tons of tubes and IVs. His face had bruises all over it, and one side was covered in scabbing. Healing blood. His left arm and right foot were in a cast. He was unconscious.

I just stood there, shocked. How could I survive without barely a scratch, and him...


The same doctor walked in behind me. "He saved your life."

"What.??" I whispered, walking towards the bed.

"In the crash. Before the truck hit you, he jumped from the driver's seat to in your lap. He curled himself around you, so he was the one that got hit first."

He did it. He risked his life for me. I lost it. I started bawling, and crumpled to the floor, holding my knees to my chest. He could be dying. Because of me. I can't live with that.

~This was mainly a filler~

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