Chapter 16 - Not Me, Too!

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Sherlock's POV

I stayed still, calming the terrified John. I'm not sure what that was, or what caused it, but I do know it was scary as Hell.

Was that a panic attack? I asked myself. I've heard of them, though I've never experienced one before. I wish I hadn't - that was positively frightening, seeing John break down like that for unexplained reasons. He was so vulnerable, like all his walls came down at once and he just cracked.

Scary. I never want to see that happen again, but if it does, I'm going to be there for John, to calm him down again. I know I can, or at least I can help. Although his smile has returned, I could still see anxiety flickering in his eyes. He was not completely calm.

"Sherlock, I need a shower," he groaned. I reluctantly got up, freeing him from my grasp. After having been like that for so long, the emptiness in my arms felt wrong.

"Can you stand long enough?" I asked, helping him to his feet.

"I think so. But I won't drown if I collapse," John assured me, "It's a shower. I'll be fine."

I nodded worriedly, still convinced something would go wrong. I shouldn't baby him - he's a grown boy. Let him take care of himself.

"I-I'm going to...take a walk," I shrugged, "See you in a bit."

I swung my jacket over my shouders and walked through the long hallway, down the stairs, out the front doors, and onto the even-frostier grass.

There they are - the Archangels of Anarchy.

"What were you thinking?!" I stormed up to them, anger flashing across my features. I don't care what they do to me - they'll pay for this.

"Problem, Shezza?" Jim spun on his heels to face me, his expression much too nonchalant and...proud.

"Yes," I hissed, "You know you could've killed him, right?"

"But I didn't."

"But you could have!"

"Why do you care about Fruitcake John so much?" Jim sneered. Shit...

"Did you...fuck him?" Sebastian jeered.

"No! I don't care about Fruitcake John! I care about us! You know we could go to jail for your mistake, right?!"

"Are you..." Jim strode forward, grinning evilly, "Questioning my judgement?"


Jim emit an exaggerated huff, "Then I guess you'll have to learn your place. Mora, will you please?"

"You can't be serious!" I fretted, "I-I'm an Archangel!"

"Who needs to be taught a lesson. Restrain him!"

Magnus and Wiggins held my arms, and Irene stood nearby as a backup. "You guys!" I pleaded, "I'm one of you!"

"Sorry, Shez," Irene said genuinely, "It's not our choice."

Mora cracked his knuckles, shaking out his hair. He advanced, passing Jim, until he was within striking distance.

"Beat him until I tell you to stop," Jim instructed, "I'll decide when he's learned his lesson."

Seb drew back an arm and his fist cracked across my face. It felt like he broke a cheekbone...ow! He's gotten stronger since he last hit me. Jesus fucking Christ...

Seb pulled back a foot and his steel-toed boot met with the tender area between my legs. Jim cackled, "Ooh! NUT SHOT!"

My legs buckled, and I was supported only by Magnus and Wiggins' hold on my arms and shoulders. My breathing was ragged and I knew my voice would be high if I were to speak. Fuck...!

He drew an arm down and brought it up across my nose, throwing my head back and pulling a muscle in my neck. He took the opportunity to knee my stomach and punch my ribcage.

"Enough!" Jim finally held up a hand, and Magnus and Wiggins dropped me on the grass like I was a ragdoll.

"I hope..." He continued menacingly, "You've learned not to question me. Go back to your precious John. If you wish to return here, you owe me an apology."

Apology?! Like Hell I do!

The frost on the blades of grass under my head was quickly melting, but the cold water somewhat soothed my aching bruises. Gotta get back to John...


"Holy shit Sherlock!" John raced over as I crashed through the door, "What in the deepest pits of Hell happened?!"

"Jim," I coughed, spitting blood, "I confronted him."

"For fuck's sake!" John scolded, sitting me down, "I told you not to, didn't I?!"

I took a soaked tissue from John and held it to my bleeding nose, "I don't care what they do to me! I just wish I could've hit them at least once..."

John sighed, "See? Not worth it. Just keep out of trouble, okay?"

"How are your wounds?" I choked through the blood wallowing in the back of my throat.

A warm look crossed his features, "Much better. You should see a nurse."

"No, I'm fine. I'll heal well here."

John shook his head, "You need to make sure you're okay!"

"I'm okay!" I insisted, "I will not be a tattle-tail, they'll finish me off. Capiche?"

John nodded in understanding, "Makes sense I suppose. Fine, let's clean you up proper..."



So how are y'all?! I'm doing good. Smut coming up in NOT THE NEXT CHAPTER, BUT AFTER THAT. Hehehz. Prepaaaaaaare!!

Enjoying so far? Leave a comment! I may not always reply, but I'll always get them!

Also if you're interested try checking out my Instagram (@garnent_) ;D

Heehehehheheheh if you want.


I has also discovered how to do Bold/Italics on an iPod. FINALLY. Warning: will abuse this newfound power.

Remember, y'all just keep being y'all!

xoxo, Garnent•.•**

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