Chapter 26 - The Perfect Gift

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Sherlock's POV


December 24th

8:34 p.m.


I can't wait until John opens my gift for him. I picked it out with care - I, personally, think he'll love it, but what do I know?

He's been out for a few hours. I'm guessing he's doing some last-minute shopping. On weekends, students are allowed out at 12-9 o'clock. He has exactly 26 minutes to get back.

I decided to go walk around the school. Seems exciting enough. I haven't seen everything, and it'll be nice to explore.

Closing the door behind me, I walked swiftly down the 200 wing. My boots made loud, echoing sounds that circled up the walls, bounced across the ceiling, and tumbled to the floor again, ricocheting off every painting and cracked mirror.

I hadn't realized I'd gone downstairs until I found myself in the cafeteria. Molly, Mary, and some strange man sat at one table, and they waved me over. I know they're friends of John's, but they don't know me all that well. What could they possibly want?

"Hey, Shezza!" Mary joked. I know she meant well, but that name is like a curse. I waved curtly, "Mary. Molly."

"Good God you are stiff," Mary screwed up her nose, "Liven up a bit! It's Christmas Eve!"

I smiled, "So it is. Who's this?"

I jerked my head toward the strange man who sat next to Molly. "This is Tom," the mousy-haired girl wrapped an arm around him, "My significant other."

"Congrats," I mustered my most genuine smile, "Sherlock Holmes. Pleasure."

Tom shook my outstretched hand, "I hear Mol used to be quite smitten with you. I can see why."

Is he...flirting with me?! In front of Molly? Good Lord this guy is thick.

"Don't flirt!" Mary teased, "He's taken."

My heart raced. How does she know? Has John told? Did she see us? Is she talking about Tom?

"As am I," Tom pointed out, "I'm just saying - the porcelin skin, hair, eyes, stance, voice...from what I know, girls like what he has."

I shuffled awkwardly, "Not exactly."

Tom chuckled loudly, "Don't be so modest! Mary says you're taken. Who's the lucky gal?"

I licked my lips nervously. What am I supposed to say? "No one. I'm single. She's just kidding."

Mary rested her elbow on the table, dropping her head into her hand and raised an eyebrow at me, "So what's John then? Your sex doll?"


I turned an annoying shade of pink, my ears growing hot. Tom's mouth gaped wide after his exclaimation. "Of course," he concluded, "All the hot ones are gay."

"If you breathe a word of this," I hissed, pointing a finger at Tom, "You'll rue the day you were born."

Tom's eyes widened, "Ho! Okay! My lips are sealed."

"Also," I turned to the giggling Mary, "How did you know?"

"Me and Molly have heard you," Mary laughed uproarously, "The walls are thin, and you guys are loud."

I was sure I was red by now, "Shut up. At least we're having more sex than you are."

Molly laughed out loud, Tom leaned back with a big 'wow' smirk, and Mary's jaw dropped, "Rude!"

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